Linux timing and scheduling granularity

During investigating how Oracle works with regards to waiting, I discovered an oddity. I was researching for my redo blog posts, and found that in a certain case, Oracle uses the ‘nanosleep’ system call. As the name of this system call suggests, this call allows you to let a process sleep with nanosecond precision.

The oddity that I found, was the following:

$ strace -Tp 42
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 

I executed strace with the ‘-T’ argument (show time spend in system calls), and ‘-p’ to attach it to the process I want to measure. The nanosleep function was called with struct time spec set to {0, 1000}, which means 0 seconds and 1000 nanoseconds. However, the actual time spend was between 0.000191 and 0.000253 seconds, which is 1910000 and 253000 in nanoseconds. That’s approximately 200 times longer than it’s set to wait!

Since then I have spend a fair amount of time to understand why this is happening. So far I found a number of facts that I think explain this, but if anyone else has something to throw in here, please leave a comment.

The first thing I did was create a C program that just runs nanosleep in a loop, so I can run the nanosleep systemcall in isolation. Here’s the nanosleep PoC code (measure_time.c):

#include <time>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int       loop_counter, loop_total;
  struct    timespec sleep;



  while ( loop_counter &lt; loop_total ) {

Then, when researching I found that there is a systemcall that shows the actual clock resolution time! I created another very small C program to run just that (measure_resulution.c):

#include <time>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int       result;
  struct    timespec resolution;
  clockid_t clk_id;

  clock_getres(clk_id, &amp;resolution);

  printf("Resolution: %ld s, %ld ns\n", resolution.tv_sec, resolution.tv_nsec);

This c program can be compiled using ‘gcc measure_resolution.c -o measure_resolution’. This is what it showed:

$ ./measure_resolution
Resolution: 0 s, 1 ns

So, my system has a 1 ns resolution, despite my nanosleep systemcalls taking way longer. A little later I found out this information can be obtained directly in /proc/timer_list:

$ grep resolution /proc/timer_list | uniq
  .resolution: 1 nsecs

The first thing I found while researching, is that when I change the priority of the process (not the 1000ns), I can get lower sleeping times:

# strace -T chrt --rr 99 ./measure_time
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 

The lowest time here is 0.036ms (36000ns). In order to look further, I found that newer kernel versions have an addition to perf that can measure wait time, scheduler delay (‘run queue’) and actual run time; perf sched timehist. So at this point it seemed that was a way to understand more about the timing of nanosleep. In order to look at that I created a virtual machine with fedora 27 (kernel version 4.14.13), and compiled my measure_time.c program on it.

The next thing to do is run the measure_time executable with perf sched record:

# perf sched record chrt --rr 99 ./measure_time
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.183 MB (54 samples) ]

Then run perf sched timehist to look at the data and find the pid of the measure_time executable:

# perf sched timehist
Samples do not have callchains.
           time    cpu  task name                       wait time  sch delay   run time
                        [tid/pid]                          (msec)     (msec)     (msec)
--------------- ------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   37745.760817 [0000]                                0.000      0.000      0.000
   37745.760823 [0000]  rcu_sched[8]                        0.000      0.000      0.005
   37745.762367 [0002]  perf[2777]                          0.000      0.000      0.000
   37745.762420 [0002]  perf[2778]                          0.000      0.044      0.052
   37745.762431 [0002]  migration/2[21]                     0.000      0.001      0.011
   37745.762479 [0003]                                0.000      0.000      0.000
   37745.764063 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.059      0.000      1.583
   37745.764108 [0003]                                1.583      0.000      0.045
   37745.764114 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.045      0.003      0.005

So it’s pid 2778, now add that to perf sched timehist:

# perf sched timehist -p 2778
Samples do not have callchains.
           time    cpu  task name                       wait time  sch delay   run time
                        [tid/pid]                          (msec)     (msec)     (msec)
--------------- ------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   37745.762420 [0002]  perf[2778]                          0.000      0.044      0.052
   37745.764063 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.059      0.000      1.583
   37745.764114 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.045      0.003      0.005
   37745.764153 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.034      0.002      0.004
   37745.764195 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.036      0.002      0.004
   37745.764236 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.036      0.002      0.004
   37745.764291 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.050      0.002      0.004
   37745.764347 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.051      0.002      0.004
   37745.764405 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.052      0.002      0.004
   37745.764478 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.067      0.006      0.005
   37745.764506 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.022      0.002      0.005
   37745.764581 [0003]  measure_time[2778]                  0.022      0.002      0.052

The way to look at this: first perf is run. Because we just started running, there is no wait time, the task gets the state running, then it needs to be scheduled to run. That time is in ‘sch delay’, obviously scheduling delay. Then it gets truly is running and runs for some time, which time is visible in the ‘run time’ column. Next, the measure_time executable is run.

The first time measure_time runs, it needs to do some initialisation, like the dynamic loader loading libc, allocate memory (mmap calls), etcetera. This is visible in the run time of 1.583 ms. However, then it runs into the nanosleep call. The nanosleep call puts the process into an interruptible sleep. The sleep is visible in the wait time column. Here we see it’s waiting/sleeping for between 0.022 and 0.067 ms. After waiting, the process gets the status running, after which the scheduler must schedule the task and make it running. That time is in scheduling time again. Then it runs, but all it needs to do is end the nanosleep call, add one to the loop_counter variable, jump back and enter the nanosleep call again, as we can see, that only takes 0.004 ms.

Okay, so far it was quite a geeking out session, but not really an answer has been found to why a 1000ns sleep turns out to be way higher. I sought out help via social media, and gotten some sane advise from Kevin Closson. Essentially, the advise was to run it on physical hardware instead of my test virtual machine, and make the load as low as possible in order for the scheduler to be able to schedule my process as quickly as it can. Yes, very obvious actually.

So, the next target is a physical machine in our Enkitec lab. This is on a X3 generation machine (Sandy Bridge EP). I compiled measure_time.c, and ran ‘strace -T chrt –rr 99 ./measure_time’ again:

nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 
nanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0 

That’s way better! But still the nanosleep timing is approximately 13000ns, instead of 1000ns that the call is supposed to take.

At this point I had no clue, and obviously needed to rethink it again; the time the call is supposed to sleep and thus take and the wallclock time I measured are still quite far apart in my measurements. On one hand you could argue that the time it is set to wait is so small that this could be simply caused by the code in the nanosleep function itself, on the other hand it’s not even close.

Then I gotten a eureka moment: strace is using ptrace facilities to attach to the process, and ptrace is known to quite severely slow processes down. Hat tip to Martin Bach who contacted me with this at the very same moment I realised this. So then the question becomes: can I measure nanosleep in another way?

Then I thought about the linux kernel ftrace facilities. In fact, the physical machines at my disposal in the Enkitec lab all run an Exadata images, and the Exadata images do not contain bleeding edge kernels like fedora 27 has, so I couldn’t repeat the perf sched timehist tracing. I wrote about ftrace in the past.

So, let’s redo the timing investigation again using ftrace:
1. Make sure the debug filesystem is mounted:

# mount /sys/kernel/debug || mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug

2. Enter the trace directory in /sys/kernel/debug:

# cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing

3. Create another session on the same machine and obtain the process id:

# echo $$

4. In the debug/tracing session, setup nanosleep system call tracing:
Enter the process id as the pid to trace:

echo 62733 > set_ftrace_pid

Set the type of trace. The default ‘tracer’ is nop (no tracing). Set it to ‘function_graph’:

echo function_graph > current_tracer

If there is an option ‘(no)function-fork’ in trace_options, set it to ‘function-fork’ to make ftrace trace child processes too (function-fork is an addition in recent kernels):

# egrep ^nofunction-fork trace_options && echo function-fork > trace_options

Set the function to trace. For the nanosleep system call, this is SyS_nanosleep:

# echo SyS_nanosleep > set_ftrace_filter

Now enable tracing:

# echo 1 > tracing_on

5. In the session to trace, execute chrt –rr 99 ./measure_time.
6. In the debug/tracing session, stop the trace and look at the results:

# echo 0 > tracing_on
# cat trace
# tracer: function_graph
# |     |   |                     |   |   |   |
 20)   8.958 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   5.077 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   4.260 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   9.384 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   5.495 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   5.526 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   5.039 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   4.936 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   4.898 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();
 20)   4.889 us    |  SyS_nanosleep();

This shows the waiting time still fluctuating, but going down to as low as 4.260 us, alias 4260 nanoseconds. This still is roughly four times the sleeping time set (1000ns), but it gotten way lower than earlier! Probably, the tracing increased the latency a bit, so my guess would be the true sleeping time when no trace is applied is around 2000ns. Please mind this is with changed (increased) process priorities (chrt –rr 99); when measure_time is ran without any priorities set, it looks like this:

# cat trace
# tracer: function_graph
# |     |   |                     |   |   |   |
 21) + 60.583 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.504 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 55.940 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.118 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.076 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.078 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 55.745 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 55.745 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.100 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();
 21) + 56.868 us   |  SyS_nanosleep();

But: there is Oracle grid infrastructure running, and multiple databases are running.

What would be interesting to see is how nanosleep is actually executed. Ftrace provides a way to do exactly that! The important thing to keep in mind is that ftrace is kernel only. In order to see how SyS_nanosleep is executed, do the following:

# > set_ftrace_filter
# echo SyS_nanosleep > set_graph_function
# > trace

Then execute ‘chrt –rr 99 ./measure_time’ again, and look in trace again:
(please mind I picked the second occurrence of SyS_nanosleep, of course the trace shows them all)

 14)               |  SyS_nanosleep() {
 14)               |    hrtimer_nanosleep() {
 14)   0.045 us    |      hrtimer_init();
 14)               |      do_nanosleep() {
 14)               |        hrtimer_start_range_ns() {
 14)               |          __hrtimer_start_range_ns() {
 14)               |            lock_hrtimer_base() {
 14)   0.039 us    |              _raw_spin_lock_irqsave();
 14)   0.527 us    |            } /* lock_hrtimer_base */
 14)   0.048 us    |            ktime_get();
 14)   0.043 us    |            get_nohz_timer_target();
 14)   0.079 us    |            enqueue_hrtimer();
 14)               |            tick_program_event() {
 14)               |              clockevents_program_event() {
 14)   0.048 us    |                ktime_get();
 14)   0.446 us    |              } /* clockevents_program_event */
 14)   0.876 us    |            } /* tick_program_event */
 14)   0.040 us    |            _raw_spin_unlock();
 14)   0.040 us    |            __raise_softirq_irqoff();
 14)   4.318 us    |          } /* __hrtimer_start_range_ns */
 14)   4.792 us    |        } /* hrtimer_start_range_ns */
 14)               |        schedule() {
 14)               |          __schedule() {
 14)   0.041 us    |            rcu_note_context_switch();
 14)   0.039 us    |            _raw_spin_lock_irq();
 14)               |            deactivate_task() {
 14)               |              dequeue_task() {
 14)   0.056 us    |                update_rq_clock();
 14)               |                dequeue_task_rt() {
 14)               |                  update_curr_rt() {
 14)   0.057 us    |                    cpuacct_charge();
 14)   0.053 us    |                    sched_avg_update();
 14)   0.046 us    |                    _raw_spin_lock();
 14)               |                    sched_rt_runtime_exceeded() {
 14)   0.041 us    |                      balance_runtime();
 14)   0.402 us    |                    } /* sched_rt_runtime_exceeded */
 14)   0.046 us    |                    _raw_spin_unlock();
 14)   2.701 us    |                  } /* update_curr_rt */
 14)               |                  dequeue_rt_entity() {
 14)               |                    dequeue_rt_stack() {
 14)               |                      __dequeue_rt_entity() {
 14)   0.062 us    |                        cpupri_set();
 14)   0.057 us    |                        update_rt_migration();
 14)   0.861 us    |                      } /* __dequeue_rt_entity */
 14)   1.258 us    |                    } /* dequeue_rt_stack */
 14)   0.047 us    |                    enqueue_top_rt_rq();
 14)   1.908 us    |                  } /* dequeue_rt_entity */
 14)   0.048 us    |                  dequeue_pushable_task();
 14)   5.564 us    |                } /* dequeue_task_rt */
 14)   6.445 us    |              } /* dequeue_task */
 14)   6.789 us    |            } /* deactivate_task */
 14)   0.044 us    |            pick_next_task_stop();
 14)   0.041 us    |            pick_next_task_dl();
 14)               |            pick_next_task_rt() {
 14)   0.042 us    |              pull_rt_task();
 14)   0.050 us    |              update_curr_rt();
 14)   0.823 us    |            } /* pick_next_task_rt */
 14)               |            pick_next_task_fair() {
 14)               |              put_prev_task_rt() {
 14)   0.042 us    |                update_curr_rt();
 14)   0.377 us    |              } /* put_prev_task_rt */
 14)               |              pick_next_entity() {
 14)   0.039 us    |                clear_buddies();
 14)   0.340 us    |              } /* pick_next_entity */
 14)               |              set_next_entity() {
 14)   0.065 us    |                __dequeue_entity();
 14)   0.426 us    |              } /* set_next_entity */
 14)   2.159 us    |            } /* pick_next_task_fair */
 14)   0.052 us    |            finish_task_switch();
 14) + 15.656 us   |          } /* __schedule */
 14) + 16.003 us   |        } /* schedule */
 14)   0.039 us    |        _cond_resched();
 14)               |        hrtimer_cancel() {
 14)               |          hrtimer_try_to_cancel() {
 14)               |            lock_hrtimer_base() {
 14)   0.040 us    |              _raw_spin_lock_irqsave();
 14)   0.365 us    |            } /* lock_hrtimer_base */
 14)   0.046 us    |            _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore();
 14)   1.006 us    |          } /* hrtimer_try_to_cancel */
 14)   1.403 us    |        } /* hrtimer_cancel */
 14) + 23.559 us   |      } /* do_nanosleep */
 14) + 24.444 us   |    } /* hrtimer_nanosleep */
 14) + 24.842 us   |  } /* SyS_nanosleep */

This gives a full overview of the functions that SyS_nanosleep is executing in the kernel, including timing.
Essentially, everything happens in ‘do_nanosleep’. Inside do_nanosleep, the following functions are directly called:
– hrtimer_start_range_ns -> 4.792 us
– schedule -> 16.003 us
– _cond_resched -> 0.039 us
– hrtimer_cancel -> 1.403 us
This is more than the 4260 ns we saw earlier, it’s clear the tracing influences the latency of the execution.

In order to get a breakdown on where the time goes for the 4260 ns, remove SyS_nanosleep from set_graph_function, empty the trace and add the four functions mentioned above to set_ftrace_filter:

# > set_graph_function
# > trace
# echo 'hrtimer_start_range_ns schedule _cond_resched hrtimer_cancel' > set_ftrace_filter

Now execute ‘./chrt –rr 99 ./measure_time’ again, and look in trace; this is a snippet that shows a single nanosleep invocation:

  2)   0.938 us    |  hrtimer_start_range_ns();
  2)   3.406 us    |  schedule();
  2)   0.077 us    |  _cond_resched();
  2)   0.123 us    |  hrtimer_cancel();

What this shows is that apparently the time it takes for the schedule function to finish is taking the majority of the time. There will be influence of ftrace being active, but taking that into account on this system the time to get rescheduled after waiting for a short time is around 3 to 4 us (microseconds).

There is a certain point at which timing is so fine grained, that anything you do, even running a (kernel) function itself distorts time. It looks like this is 1us (microsecond) granularity for the systems I’ve looked at.

Obviously, when you run on a virtualised platform, especially like I did with a ‘desktop’ virtualisation product like Virtualbox, but it applies to any virtualisation, scheduling times increase because the virtualisation needs to abstract running on a CPU. With modern virtualisation running user-mode this overhead is minimal or non-existent. However, kernel mode access needs to be abstracted in order to keep virtual machines from invading each others resources. This can become significant if resources are oversubscribed (we gotten a glimpse of that in this article with the first nanosleep measurements at roughly 220 us).

The nanosleep times gotten lower when the process priority was set as high as possible. Then when moving onto physical hardware, the latency times gotten even lower. The priority of the process strongly influences the scheduling time, which is kind of logical, because that’s the entire purpose of the priority.

The linux strace utility influences process execution latency quite significantly when looking at a microsecond granularity. Ftrace provides a way to trace in a very flexible way with way lesser overhead than strace, although it still does impose an overhead on the process it is tracing.

Using ftrace, the minimal time that I could measure for a process to get scheduled again after sleeping was between 3 to 4 microseconds. This latency is influenced by the tracing, so it probably comes down to between 2 to 3 microseconds without it. Also, this is strongly influenced by the priority, I needed to set it to the highest priority in order to get the low latency. Another big influencer will be the hardware that I am running, and there are a fair amount of processes running, some at high priority (cluster ware ocssd, Oracle database lms processes, linux daemons).

  1. Great info, Frits.

    I remain steadfast in my opinion about such high-frequency sleep. It probably makes a lot more sense to loop some floating point divs to stall the thread than to relinquish it in a scheduling event. But that’s just me.

    BTW, X3 is SNB-EP, not WSM-EP. A tiny nit in the text above.

    • I’ll change the CPU info.
      I don’t know why Oracle implemented this, the previous (12.1) nanosleep implementation calculated the sleeping time probably based on IO times as measured by the logwriter.
      Maybe the intention is to wait for very small amount of time, without a minimum of hassle? That is exactly what this does!

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