
Tag Archives: debug

This post was created when trying to understand how the Oracle executable works. Specifically the logwriter, which, if it is posted by a process, which is done using semop(), signals that process back using semop() if the logwriter happens to be in post/wait mode, and is not using the ‘scalable logwriter mode’, which means it is not using additional worker processes.

To be more specific, I tried investigating something that is not Oracle specific, but specific to the usage of semaphores on linux with an executable for which you do not have the source code and is not compiled with debugging symbols.

I attached to the process using gdb, and put a break on semop:

$ gdb -p 1000
(gdb) break semop
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7fb92b0410c0: file ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S, line 81.
(gdb) c

A word here: you probably will not see “file ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S, line 81.”. This is because I installed the following debuginfo packages:


When using Oracle linux (version 7), this is actually really easy, you add the debug info packages repo by adding the file /etc/yum.repos.d/debug.repo, and put this in the file:

name=Oracle Linux 7 debuginfo

You now even can use the ‘debuginfo-install’ executable that gdb tells you to do. A word of warning too: this repository is not very closely maintained by oracle (sadly, I blogged about this in the past), so things might be missing. For example, the debuginfo package for the libgcc on my system can not be found by yum. Another issue I encountered, was that when I tried installing the debuginfo package for my kernel, I couldn’t just say debuginfo-install kernel-uek, because that installed the debuginfo package for the latest kernel. So I had to specifically point it to my exact kernel version. When installing the kernel debuginfo package, which is very bulky, another word of warning: the repo (at least for me) is limited to a very low bandwidth, so downloading the file (+200MB) took a long time.

I installed this with the idea to have all system variables, like the ones for semaphores, present, so I could look into them. This turned out not to be the case:


Breakpoint 1, semop () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81

Gdb broke execution because it encountered semop. Now let’s investigate. Because of the pseudo system call handler, we can only indirectly investigate the semop call. But how to know what to investigate? That’s where the manpages come in:

$ man semop
SEMOP(2)                Linux Programmer's Manual                  SEMOP(2)

       semop, semtimedop - System V semaphore operations

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/ipc.h>
       #include <sys/sem.h>

       int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, unsigned nsops);

       int semtimedop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, unsigned nsops,
                      struct timespec *timeout);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

       semtimedop(): _GNU_SOURCE

So, semop takes 3 arguments, the semid as integer, a struc sembuf that holds the actual operation to be executed and the number of operations in the sembuf.
We still can investigate this, by knowing how the arguments are passed to a function:
– The first argument is in the CPU register $rdi
– The second argument is in the CPU register $rsi
– The third argument is in the CPU register $rdx
Well, let’s look at our session:

(gdb) p $rdi
$1 = 229376
(gdb) p $rsi
$2 = 140721769476432
(gdb) p $rdx
$3 = 1

So, the simple information is available directly, the semid is 229376, and there is 1 operation.
Let’s look at semid 229376 (warning: you have to have access to the semaphore array to be able to see it):

$ ipcs -si 229376

Semaphore Array semid=229376
uid=54321	 gid=54321	 cuid=54321	 cgid=54321
mode=0600, access_perms=0600
nsems = 250
otime = Sun Jan 19 16:36:30 2020
ctime = Sun Jan 19 15:52:22 2020
semnum     value      ncount     zcount     pid
0          1          0          0          3524
1          9065       0          0          3524
2          13900      0          0          3524
3          32766      0          0          3524
4          0          0          0          0
5          0          0          0          0
6          0          1          0          9340
7          0          1          0          9347
8          0          1          0          9356
9          0          0          0          0
10         0          1          0          10146
11         0          1          0          10163
12         0          1          0          30940
13         0          1          0          10189
14         0          1          0          10189
15         0          1          0          0
...and so on...

Okay, so in order to understand what that semop call does, we need to look into the struct.

But this is what gdb says:

(gdb) p $rsi
$4 = 140721769476432

Wait a minute, didn’t the main page say: struct sembuf *sops? That asterisk (‘*’) means it’s a pointer. Let’s try that:

(gdb) p * $rsi
$5 = 65574

Well…not sure what that means…

(gdb) ptype *$rsi
type = int

Ah…it thinks it’s an integer, and displays that… That’s not very helpful.

You can cast (declare a variable to be of a certain type, not the magician type of thing) a variable, so let’s try that:

(gdb) p (struct sembuf *) $rsi
No struct type named sembuf.

Mhhh, despite installing all these debuginfo packages, it turns out the struct definition is not available.

But I really want to know the semaphore information!

I found this gdb feature:

(gdb) help add-symbol-file
Load symbols from FILE, assuming FILE has been dynamically loaded.
Usage: add-symbol-file FILE ADDR [-s <SECT> <SECT_ADDR> -s <SECT> <SECT_ADDR> ...]
ADDR is the starting address of the file's text.
The optional arguments are section-name section-address pairs and
should be specified if the data and bss segments are not contiguous
with the text.  SECT is a section name to be loaded at SECT_ADDR.

So, I can add symbols from a file, provided that file is dynamically loadable. What if I create a mini file with the definition of sembuf? Would that work??

First create a very small c program that only defines a sembuf variable:

$ cat semh.c
#include <sys/sem.h>
struct sembuf mysembuf;

That’s two lines, that really is small, isn’t it?
Then compile it, but do not link it, we only need the object file:

$ gcc -c -g semh.c -o semh.o

(the ‘-c’ switch makes it only compile, not linking)

Now we got an object file semh.o. Let’s try to “side-load” that:

(gdb) add-symbol-file semh.o 0
add symbol table from file "semh.o" at
	.text_addr = 0x0
(y or n) y
Reading symbols from /home/oracle/pin-3.11-97998-g7ecce2dac-gcc-linux/semh.o...done.

(you have to say ‘y’ for it to load the symbol table at address 0x0)

Now let’s try casting again:

(gdb) print (struct sembuf *) $rsi
$3 = (struct sembuf *) 0x7ffc5714f150

And now we can ask gdb to print the casted variable:

(gdb) p *$3
$5 = {sem_num = 38, sem_op = 1, sem_flg = 0}

And that’s because it knows how it looks like:

(gdb) ptype *$3
type = struct sembuf {
    unsigned short sem_num;
    short sem_op;
    short sem_flg;

Now this information can be used to find the process the semop call is executed for:

$ ipcs -si 229376 | grep ^38
38         0          1          0          32324

So process 32324.

I was asked some time ago what the Oracle database event ‘TCP socket (KGAS)’ means. This blogpost is a deep dive into what this event times in Oracle database

This event is not normally seen, only when TCP connections are initiated from the database using packages like UTL_TCP, UTL_SMTP and the one used in this article, UTL_HTTP.

A very basic explanation is this event times the time that a database foreground session spends on TCP connection management and communicating over TCP, excluding client and database link (sqlnet) networking. If you trace the system calls, you see that mostly that is working with a (network) socket. Part of the code in the oracle database that is managing that, sits in the kernel code layer kgas, kernel generic (of which I am quite sure, and then my guess:) asynchronous services, which explains the naming of the event.

This is what the Oracle online manual ( – Oracle is notorious for breaking links) says about ‘TCP socket (KGAS)’:

C.3.157 TCP Socket (KGAS)
A session is waiting for an external host to provide requested data over a network socket. The time that this wait event tracks does not indicate a problem, and even a long wait time is not a reason to contact Oracle Support. It naturally takes time for data to flow between hosts over a network, and for the remote aspect of an application to process any request made to it. An application that communicates with a remote host must wait until the data it will read has arrived. In addition, on Microsoft Windows, a separate thread monitors the arrival of traffic. This thread spends most of its life in waits tracked by the TCP Socket (KGAS) wait event.

Wait Time: The total elapsed time for the network connection to be established or for data to arrive from over the network

Parameter Description
P0 For Oracle internal use only. Values 8, 9, and 10 occur within the special thread present on Microsoft Windows; other P0 values occur in normal user sessions.

P1 For Oracle internal use only

Overall, the basic explanation that Oracle provides is mostly correct. I think the text saying to not contact Oracle support is not relevant, but maybe there is a need to relieve Oracle support. In my tests, I found that the full TCP connection lifecycle (creation, usage and removal) is put under this event, for which the text seems to emphasise on waiting for a remote host, which would be the most logical culprit for wait times, but other issues could lead to wait times additionally. This means the wait event itself is not explaining what it is showing, outside of TCP connection management.

The wait time explanation is nearly complete. If it would say something like ‘all TCP connection management and usage’ it would have fully covered it, it now excludes disconnecting and sending, because it explicitly mentions creating the connecting and receiving (waiting for data).

I do not understand what is meant with P0 and P1. I think it is p1 and p2 of the wait event, but naming it P0 and P1 is weird. When looking at the explanation it reads to me ‘we do not wish to explain anything to you’.

So, that means I am going to find this out myself….

If you are interested in this, or do want to write articles like this too, I urge you to replay this on your own system.

First of all, create a small setup which you can use to actually execute UTL_HTTP. The example essentially is taken from father of code examples, Tim Hall/Oracle base. Thank you Tim!
First setup the database to allow a user (in my case ‘ts’) to create the objects and use the network:

grant create sequence to ts;
grant create procedure to ts;
grant create table to ts;
grant alter session to ts;
  dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl (
    acl => 'anything.xml',
    description => 'allow anything',
    principal => 'TS',
    is_grant => true,
    privilege => 'connect'
  dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl (
    acl => 'anything.xml',
    host => '*'

Then connect as the actual user (ts), and create the objects and the procedure that uses UTL_HTTP:

drop table http_clob_test;
create table http_clob_test (
        id number(10),
        url varchar2(255),
        data clob,
        constraint http_clob_test_pk primary key (id)
drop sequence http_clob_test_seq;
create sequence http_clob_test_seq;
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE load_html_from_url (p_url  IN  VARCHAR2) AS
  -- examples by tim hall
  l_http_request   UTL_HTTP.req;
  l_http_response  UTL_HTTP.resp;
  l_clob           CLOB;
  l_text           VARCHAR2(32767);
  DBMS_LOB.createtemporary(l_clob, FALSE);

  -- Make a HTTP request and get the response.
  l_http_request  := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(p_url);
  l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);

  -- Copy the response into the CLOB.
      UTL_HTTP.read_text(l_http_response, l_text, 32766);
      DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_clob, LENGTH(l_text), l_text);
    WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body THEN

  -- Insert the data into the table.
  INSERT INTO http_clob_test (id, url, data)
  VALUES (http_clob_test_seq.NEXTVAL, p_url, l_clob);

  -- Relase the resources associated with the temporary LOB.
END load_html_from_url;

The first thing to do is turn on sql_trace at level 8 to include waits:

set serverout on
alter session set events 'sql_trace level 8';
exec load_html_from_url('');
alter session set events 'sql_trace off';

If you look at the relevant piece, which means where it shows the wait events, it looks like this:

WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 128265  =2  =0  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395107497
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 395  =5  =0  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395110191
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 150  =6  =0  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395111115
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 131998  =6  =0  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395243764
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 269  =4  =0  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395245182
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='direct path write temp' ela= 4137 file number=201 first dba=257795 block cnt=1 obj#=662 tim=86395250494
WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP Socket (KGAS)' ela= 352  =3  =2  =0 obj#=662 tim=86395251294

What is shown here is some quite spectacular differences in elapsed time. Also, the only way to understand what is actually done flagged as ‘TCP Socket (KGAS)’ is the value following ‘ela’, which is the event p1 value.
The pattern is:

- 2
- 5
- 6
- 6
- 4
- 3

It’s relatively simple to guess what a few of these are:

- 2 - connect
- 5 - send
- 6 - \
- 6 - |   receiving ?
- 4 - /
- 3 - close

But if you include the timing, there must be more into play:

- 2 - ela= 128265   connect
- 5 - ela= 395      send
- 6 - ela= 150      \
- 6 - ela= 131998   |   receiving ?
- 4 - ela= 14       /
- 3 - ela= 177     close

2/connect: In order to build up a connection, a tcp connection needs to be created and established. That takes some time.
5/send: Sending from the perspective of a userland process is writing into a socket, which will get send by the operating system independently. This means sending from a userland process normally takes relative little time, because it’s not waiting for actually sending it.
6,4/receive: At this time, this doesn’t make sense to me.
3/close: Closing for a userland process is a simple, swift task. The operating system will keep the port open for some time, etc. but this is not visible for the user land application.

Let’s pull an old trick out of the hat: use strace (system call tracing) with an emphasis on writing on an oracle session that has SQL trace with waits enabled set. This will show the system calls executed, and show exactly when the oracle engine ends a wait, so we can reasonably well establish a relation between wait events and system calls. I say “reasonably well”, because we can’t see when Oracle truly started timing the wait event (kslwtbctx), only the output to trace file as part of ending the wait event (kslwtectx).

The way I done it, is using the command ‘strace -e write=all -p 18513 -o utl_http_test.txt’. Obviously 18513 is the process ID of the database foreground process. The results of the strace are in utl_http_test.txt.

Now open utl_http_test.txt and search for KGAS. The full output is way too much text, let me show some of the output which I think is noteworthy. Again: this is selective, partial output.
I do maintain the order in which the calls are visible.

1. TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=2, earlier annotated as ‘connect’

-- try to find a socket that has been created by nscd (name server caching deamon)
-- two times?
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
close(9)                                = 0
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
close(9)                                = 0
-- obtain file status of resolv.conf (hostname resolving configuration file)
stat("/etc/resolv.conf", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=93, ...}) = 0
-- open and read host.conf (another hostname resolving configuration file)
open("/etc/host.conf", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 9
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=9, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f34bf377000
read(9, "multi on\n", 4096)             = 9
read(9, "", 4096)                       = 0
close(9)                                = 0
-- open and read resolv.conf (hostname resolving configuration)
open("/etc/resolv.conf", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 9
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=93, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f34bf377000
read(9, "# Generated by NetworkManager\nse"..., 4096) = 93
read(9, "", 4096)                       = 0
close(9)                                = 0
-- open /etc/hosts (ip address to hostname mapping locally)
open("/etc/hosts", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)  = 9
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=200, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f34bf377000
read(9, "   localhost localhost."..., 4096) = 200
read(9, "", 4096)                       = 0
-- at this point two dynamic loadable libraries are read: and
-- this is the DNS lookup of
-- again, this is done twice, just like the use of /var/run/nscd/socket above?
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 0)    = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(9, "=#\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\6orafun\4info\0\0\1\0\1", 29, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 29
 | 00000  3d 23 01 00 00 01 00 00  00 00 00 00 06 6f 72 61  =#...........ora |
 | 00010  66 75 6e 04 69 6e 66 6f  00 00 01 00 01     |
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 5000)  = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLIN}])
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [45])                = 0
recvfrom(9, "=#\201\200\0\1\0\1\0\0\0\0\6orafun\4info\0\0\1\0\1\300\f\0"..., 2048, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 45
close(9)                                = 0
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 4971) = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(9, "o=\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\6orafun\4info\0\0\34\0\1", 29, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 29
 | 00000  6f 3d 01 00 00 01 00 00  00 00 00 00 06 6f 72 61  o=...........ora |
 | 00010  66 75 6e 04 69 6e 66 6f  00 00 1c 00 01     |
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 4970)  = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLIN}])
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [109])               = 0
recvfrom(9, "o=\201\200\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\6orafun\4info\0\0\34\0\1\300\f\0"..., 65536, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 109
close(9)                                = 0
-- an epoll is created at file descriptor 9 (epoll: I/O event notification facility)
epoll_create(82)                        = 9
fcntl(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0
-- an IPV6 socket is created at file descriptor 11, 
-- bound to the IPV6 equivalent of localhost (::1),
-- destination port 0, source port 63257,
-- and is NOT connected.
bind(11, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(0), inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) = 0
getsockname(11, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(63257), inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, [28]) = 0
getpeername(11, 0x7ffdea6ba0f8, 0x7ffdea6ba1c8) = -1 ENOTCONN (Transport endpoint is not connected)
getsockopt(11, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, [262144], [4]) = 0
getsockopt(11, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, [262144], [4]) = 0
fcntl(11, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)          = 0
-- File descriptor 11 is added to the epoll at file descriptor 9.
epoll_ctl(9, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 11, {EPOLLIN, {u32=3110993336, u64=139864426020280}}) = 0
-- A connection is created to the true destination (
-- This connection gets file descriptor 12.
-- Destination port 80 (http), source port 11751.
connect(12, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(80), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
times(NULL)                             = 438106227
mmap(NULL, 786432, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7f34b959b000
poll([{fd=12, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 60000) = 1 ([{fd=12, revents=POLLOUT}])
getsockopt(12, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
fcntl(12, F_GETFL)                      = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
fcntl(12, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)              = 0
getsockname(12, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(11751), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
getsockopt(12, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, [87040], [4]) = 0
getsockopt(12, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, [374400], [4]) = 0
setsockopt(12, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0
fcntl(12, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)          = 0
-- And this is the wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=2
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 95) = 95
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 31 32 38 32  36 35 20 20 3d 32 20 20  la= 128265  =2   |
 | 00040  3d 30 20 20 3d 30 20 6f  62 6a 23 3d 36 36 32 20  =0  =0 obj#=662  |
 | 00050  74 69 6d 3d 38 36 33 39  35 31 30 37 34 39 37     tim=86395107497  |

So yes, I am not sure if all of this is in the wait event, but there is a lot of stuff happening to build a connection to the remote server.

In order to find out why the lookup which is tried via the NSCD socket at the beginning, and later via DNS, is done twice, I ran the same procedure again and used tcpdump to look at the actual network traffic. This explained a lot:

# tcpdump -n host and port 53
09:14:02.923389 IP > 15651+ A? (29)
09:14:02.948791 IP > 15651 1/0/0 A (45)
09:14:02.952304 IP > 28477+ AAAA? (29)
09:14:02.979534 IP > 28477 0/1/0 (109)

In other words: first a DNS A record is requested (TCPv4 DNS name lookup), which results in the IPv4 ip address, then a DNS AAAA record is requested (TCPv6 DNS name lookup), which resulted in no ip address. In other words: only has an IPv4 ip address. So the two lookups actually do have a function.

2. TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=5, earlier annotated as ‘send’
These are the systemcalls that are visible and quite probably related to the send wait event:

-- file descriptor 12 holding the connection to the destination server is added to the epoll at file descriptor 9
epoll_ctl(9, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 12, {EPOLLIN, {u32=3110998864, u64=139864426025808}}) = 0
-- Then the http get request is sent to the destination server at its normal file descriptor, 12.
write(12, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: orafun.inf"..., 56) = 56
 | 00000  47 45 54 20 2f 20 48 54  54 50 2f 31 2e 31 0d 0a  GET / HTTP/1.1.. |
 | 00010  48 6f 73 74 3a 20 6f 72  61 66 75 6e 2e 69 6e 66  Host: orafun.inf |
 | 00020  6f 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65  63 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 63  o..Connection: c |
 | 00030  6c 6f 73 65 0d 0a 0d 0a                           lose....         |
-- And this is the wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=5
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 92) = 92
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 33 39 35 20  20 3d 35 20 20 3d 30 20  la= 395  =5  =0  |
 | 00040  20 3d 30 20 6f 62 6a 23  3d 36 36 32 20 74 69 6d   =0 obj#=662 tim |
 | 00050  3d 38 36 33 39 35 31 31  30 31 39 31              =86395110191     |

3. TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=6, earlier annotated as ‘receive’

-- Calling epoll_wait with timeout set to 0, so it doesn't block.
epoll_wait(9, [], 82, 0)                = 0
-- And this is the wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=6
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 92) = 92
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 31 35 30 20  20 3d 36 20 20 3d 30 20  la= 150  =6  =0  |
 | 00040  20 3d 30 20 6f 62 6a 23  3d 36 36 32 20 74 69 6d   =0 obj#=662 tim |
 | 00050  3d 38 36 33 39 35 31 31  31 31 31 35              =86395111115     |

I have been thinking a lot about this seemingly weird call. It calls epoll_wait, but indicates it doesn’t want to wait (timeout=0), and even if epol_wait would have returned anything, indicated by a return code > 0, the epoll_event pointer is not set (indicated by []). The epoll file descriptor is used, but the only working file descriptor in the epoll is file descriptor 12, which has just been sent a http GET command, so the functionality of epoll is used.

This doesn’t make sense, unless you think about the asynchronous IO implementation of Oracle (see a lot of my earlier investigations), for which (in the case of asynchronous IO) io_getevents was called in a similar matter, timeout set to 0, to be able to do more requests while earlier IO requests are executed by the kernel. So my current theory here is that if multiple requests are happening, this mechanism provides a way to handle them.

If you have a simple single request, like in my case, this systemcall seems redundant. And because it queries the epoll file descriptor right after the request, it returns zero events, because there hardly has been any time after sending the http GET request.

4. Second TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=6, earlier annotated as ‘receive’

-- Calling epoll_wait with timeout set to 30000 (milliseconds).
epoll_wait(9, [{EPOLLIN, {u32=3110998864, u64=139864426025808}}], 82, 30000) = 1
-- And this is the second wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=6
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 95) = 95
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 31 33 31 39  39 38 20 20 3d 36 20 20  la= 131998  =6   |
 | 00040  3d 30 20 20 3d 30 20 6f  62 6a 23 3d 36 36 32 20  =0  =0 obj#=662  |
 | 00050  74 69 6d 3d 38 36 33 39  35 32 34 33 37 36 34     tim=86395243764  |

This is the second time epoll_wait is called, and this one is blocking, because timeout has been set to 30000 milliseconds. If you look at the ela time, this took some time, and this now makes perfect sense: this system calls waits for an event to become available in the epoll, so it waits for the response of the remote http server. Please mind this call just notifies the userland process that the response is ready, the received data yet has to be read.

5. TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=4, earlier annotated as ‘receive’

-- At this point we know there is a response. First the original file descriptor is removed from the epoll:
epoll_ctl(9, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 12, 0x7ffdea6b9710) = 0
-- The the response is read from file descriptor 12:
read(12, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: nginx/1"..., 4096) = 2687
-- Then file descriptor 12 is added to the epoll again.
epoll_ctl(9, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 12, {EPOLLIN, {u32=3110998864, u64=139864426025808}}) = 0
-- And a wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=4
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 92) = 92
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 32 36 39 20  20 3d 34 20 20 3d 30 20  la= 269  =4  =0  |
 | 00040  20 3d 30 20 6f 62 6a 23  3d 36 36 32 20 74 69 6d   =0 obj#=662 tim |
 | 00050  3d 38 36 33 39 35 32 34  35 31 38 32              =86395245182     |

So, what p1 set to 4 actually means, is that once the connection did return data, which is checked using epoll, and visible with p1 set to 6, it is read into the process. This is also the reason this takes very little time, this is the time to read data from kernelspace to user space, and to manage the connection’s file descriptor. It is taken off the epoll in order not to disturb it, and it is added again because there could be another request.

6. TCP Socket (KGAS) p1=3, earlier annotated as ‘close’

-- file descriptor 12 removed from the epoll
epoll_ctl(9, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 12, 0x7ffdea6bac20) = 0
-- file descriptor 12 is closed, closing the network connection
close(12)                               = 0
-- And a wait event written by the process: TCP Socket (KGAS), p1=3
write(7, "WAIT #139864521752120: nam='TCP "..., 92) = 92
 | 00000  57 41 49 54 20 23 31 33  39 38 36 34 35 32 31 37  WAIT #1398645217 |
 | 00010  35 32 31 32 30 3a 20 6e  61 6d 3d 27 54 43 50 20  52120: nam='TCP  |
 | 00020  53 6f 63 6b 65 74 20 28  4b 47 41 53 29 27 20 65  Socket (KGAS)' e |
 | 00030  6c 61 3d 20 33 35 32 20  20 3d 33 20 20 3d 32 20  la= 352  =3  =2  |
 | 00040  20 3d 30 20 6f 62 6a 23  3d 36 36 32 20 74 69 6d   =0 obj#=662 tim |
 | 00050  3d 38 36 33 39 35 32 35  31 32 39 34              =86395251294     |

I don’t think this part holds any surprises. The network file descriptor is first removed from the epoll, and then it is closed, ending the TCP connection that was setup to perform a http request (in my case, I didn’t test, but I believe you will see the same with for example a SMTP connection, or any other type of TCP connection).


The basic message of this article is not surprising, nor does it conflict with current knowledge. Whenever you see a wait event ‘TCP Socket (KGAS)’, it means a foreground process is performing TCP networking via PLSQL. This wait event is a single event for creating, sending, receiving and closing a connection.

The true information of this article is how you can use the p1 value of the event to learn what actually the foreground is doing, and thus should give you more information to troubleshoot in the case of long waiting times.

TCP Socket (KGAS) p1 values:
1 - ?
2 - perform DNS lookup and create connection
3 - close connection
4 - copy TCP response into process space
5 - send request
6 - wait for TCP response to become available
7 - ?
8 - ? \
9 - ? | According to documentation, windows only in a 'special thread'.
10- ? /

Starting from Oracle 12, in a default configured database, there are more log writer processes than the well known ‘LGWR’ process itself, which are the ‘LGnn’ processes:

$ ps -ef | grep test | grep lg
oracle   18048     1  0 12:50 ?        00:00:13 ora_lgwr_test
oracle   18052     1  0 12:50 ?        00:00:06 ora_lg00_test
oracle   18056     1  0 12:50 ?        00:00:00 ora_lg01_test

These are the log writer worker processes, for which the minimal amount is equal to the amount public redo strands. Worker processes are assigned to a group, and the group is assigned to a public redo strand. The amount of worker processes in the group is dependent on the undocumented parameter “_max_log_write_parallelism”, which is one by default.

The actual usage of the worker processes is dependent in the first place on the value of the undocumented parameter “_use_single_log_writer”, for which the default value is ‘ADAPTIVE’, which means it’s switching automatically between ‘single log writer mode’, which is the traditional way of the LGWR process handling everything that the log writer functionality needs to do, and the ‘scalable log writer mode’, which means the log writer functionality is presumably using the log writer worker processes.

Other values for “_use_single_log_writer” are ‘TRUE’ to set ‘single log writer mode’, or ‘FALSE’ to set ‘scalable log writer mode’ fixed.

I assume most readers of this blog will know that the master log writer idle work cycle is sleeping on a semaphore (semtimedop()) under the wait event ‘rdbms ipc message’ for 3 seconds, then performs some “housekeeping”, after which it’ll sleep again repeating the small cycle of sleeping and housekeeping. For the log writer worker processes, this looks different if you look at the wait event information of the log writer worker processes:

135,59779,@1    14346                    DEDICATED oracle@memory-presentation.local (LGWR)	    time:1909.44ms,event:rdbms ipc message,seq#:292
48,34282,@1     14350                    DEDICATED oracle@memory-presentation.local (LG00)	    time:57561.85ms,event:LGWR worker group idle,seq#:150
136,24935,@1    14354                    DEDICATED oracle@memory-presentation.local (LG01)	    time:112785.66ms,event:LGWR worker group idle,seq#:74

The master log writer process (LGWR) has been sleeping for 1.9s when I queried the database, and it will sleep for 3 seconds, and then do some work and sleep again. However, the log writer worker processes have been sleeping for much longer: LG00 for 57.6s and LG01 for 112.8s, and the event is different: ‘LGWR worker group idle’. How is this implemented? Let’s look!

$ strace -p $(pgrep lg01)
strace: Process 14354 attached
semtimedop(360448, [{27, -1, 0}], 1, {3, 0}) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
semtimedop(360448, [{27, -1, 0}], 1, {3, 0}) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)

I used strace on the LG01 process, and it’s still doing the same as most idle background processes are doing: sleeping on a semaphore for 3 seconds. But, it does not end its wait like LGWR does, the event the log writer worker processes are waiting in keeps on being timed.

Using a pin tools debugtrace shows the following:

 | | < semtimedop+0x000000000023 returns: 0xffffffffffffffff
 | | > __errno_location(0x38000, 0x7ffce278c328, ...)
 | | | > fthread_self(0x38000, 0x7ffce278c328, ...)
 | | | < fthread_self+0x000000000024 returns: 0
 | | < __errno_location+0x000000000010 returns: 0x7f7e930a26a0
 | < sskgpwwait+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 < skgpwwait+0x0000000000e0 returns: 0
 > ksuSdiInProgress(0x19e80, 0x19e80, ...)
 < ksuSdiInProgress+0x000000000035 returns: 0
 > sltrgftime64(0x19e80, 0x19e80, ...)
 | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7ffce278c3a0, ...)
 | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7ffce278c3a0, ...)
 | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x19c253f3ff
 > kslwo_getcbk(0xa2, 0xd80fa62, ...)
 < kslwo_getcbk+0x000000000017 returns: 0
 > kgslwait_last_waitctx_time_waited_usecs(0x7f7e930a29a0, 0x6dfd01c0, ...)
 < kgslwait_last_waitctx_time_waited_usecs+0x000000000045 returns: 0x25e5e80
 > kskiorm(0x6d1854a8, 0, ...)
 < kskiorm+0x00000000001e returns: 0
 > kfias_iswtgon_ksfd(0x6d1854a8, 0, ...)
 < kfias_iswtgon_ksfd+0x00000000002b returns: 0
 > kxdbio_has_work(0x7ffce278c3c4, 0x6003d010, ...)
 < kxdbio_has_work+0x000000000027 returns: 0
 > skgpwwait(0x7ffce278c630, 0x7f7e930a7ca0, ...)
 | > kslwait_conv_wait_time(0x2dc6c0, 0x7f7e930a7ca0, ...)
 | < kslwait_conv_wait_time+0x000000000027 returns: 0x2dc6c0
 | > sskgpwwait(0x7ffce278c630, 0x7f7e930a7ca0, ...)
 | | > semtimedop(0x38000, 0x7ffce278c328, ...)
 | | < semtimedop+0x000000000023 returns: 0xffffffffffffffff

And a full stack trace of a log writer worker look like this:

$ pstack $(pgrep lg01)
#0  0x00007feda8eaebda in semtimedop () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1  0x0000000010f9cca6 in sskgpwwait ()
#2  0x0000000010f9a2e8 in skgpwwait ()
#3  0x0000000010a66995 in ksliwat ()
#4  0x0000000010a65d25 in kslwaitctx ()
#5  0x00000000031fb4d0 in kcrfw_slave_queue_remove ()
#6  0x00000000031fad2a in kcrfw_slave_group_main ()
#7  0x00000000012160fa in ksvrdp_int ()
#8  0x000000000370d99a in opirip ()
#9  0x0000000001eb034a in opidrv ()
#10 0x0000000002afedf1 in sou2o ()
#11 0x0000000000d0547a in opimai_real ()
#12 0x0000000002b09b31 in ssthrdmain ()
#13 0x0000000000d05386 in main ()

If you combine the pstack backtrace and the debugtrace information, you see that the idle cycle does not leave the ‘ksliwat’ function, so the wait event is not finished. Quickly looking at the other functions, it’s easy to spot it reads the system clock (sltrgftime64), updates some information (kgslwait_last_waitctx_time_waited_usecs) and then performs some proactive IO checks (kskiorm, kfias_iswtgon_ksfd, kxdbio_has_work) after which it calls the post/wait based functions to setup the semaphore again.

Conclusion so far is the log writer workers do perform a 3 second sleep just like the master log writer, however the wait event ‘LGWR worker group idle’ is not interrupted like ‘rdbms ipc message’ is for the master log writer. This means the wait time for the event for each worker process indicates the last time the worker process actually performed something. A next logical question then is: but what do the log writer worker processes perform? Do they entirely take over the master log writer functionality, or do they work together with the master log writer?

In order to fully understand the next part, it is very beneficial to read up on how the log writer works in ‘single log writer’ mode, where the master log writer handling the idle and work cycle itself:

If you want to perform this investigation yourself, make sure the database is in ‘scalable log writer’ mode, by setting “_use_single_log_writer” to FALSE. This is exactly what I did in order to make sure a log write is done in ‘scalable log writer’ mode.

Now let’s first apply some logic. Above the idle cycle of a log writer worker process is shown. Based on the ‘log writer null write’ blog post, we know that the log writer does advance the LWN and On-disk SCN every 3 seconds. Clearly, the log writer worker process does not do that. So that must mean the master log writer is still performing that function. It would also make very much sense, because it doesn’t matter for scalability if the master log writer performs the function of advancing the LWN and On-disk SCN or a worker process, nothing is waiting on it. Plus, if the master log writer performs most of its functions just like in ‘single log writer’ mode, the change to scalable mode would mean no change for client processes, any committing process must semop() the log writer to start writing.

Let’s look at the relevant debugtrace output of the master log writer in scalable log writer mode:

 | > kcrfw_redo_write_driver(0, 0, ...)
 | | > kcrfw_handle_member_write_errors(0, 0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_handle_member_write_errors+0x000000000020 returns: 0x600161a0
 | | > kcmgtsf(0, 0, ...)
 | | | > sltrgatime64(0, 0, ...)
 | | | | > sltrgftime64(0, 0, ...)
 | | | | | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7fff1fe13010, ...)
 | | | | | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7fff1fe13010, ...)
 | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 | | | | < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x53747fe42
 | | | < sltrgatime64+0x00000000003e returns: 0x155d4fd
 | | < kcmgtsf+0x00000000032f returns: 0x3a182314
 | | > kcrfw_slave_adaptive_updatemode(0, 0x600161a0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_adaptive_updatemode+0x000000000080 returns: 0x7efe34d1f760
 | | > kcrfw_defer_write(0, 0x600161a0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_defer_write+0x000000000038 returns: 0x7efe34d1f760
 | | > kcrfw_slave_queue_find(0, 0x600161a0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_queue_find+0x0000000000f1 returns: 0
 | | > kcrfw_slave_queue_setpreparing(0, 0x1, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_queue_setpreparing+0x000000000021 returns: 0
 | | > kcrfw_slave_group_switchpic(0, 0x1, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_group_switchpic+0x000000000050 returns: 0x699b4508
 | | > skgstmGetEpochTs(0, 0x1, ...)
 | | | > gettimeofday@plt(0x7fff1fe13070, 0, ...)
 | | | < __vdso_gettimeofday+0x0000000000fe returns: 0
 | | < skgstmGetEpochTs+0x000000000049 returns: 0x20debfd6192e5
 | | > kcsnew3(0x600113b8, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | > kcsnew8(0x600113b8, 0x7fff1fe13070, ...)
 | | | | > kslgetl(0x60049800, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kslfre(0x60049800, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | | < kcsnew8+0x000000000117 returns: 0
 | | | > ub8_to_kscn_impl(0x66c3c7, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | < ub8_to_kscn_impl+0x000000000031 returns: 0
 | | < kcsnew3+0x00000000006f returns: 0x8000
 | | > ktfwtsm(0x3a182314, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | > kcmgtsf(0x2, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | | > sltrgatime64(0x2, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | | | > sltrgftime64(0x2, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | | | | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7fff1fe12fe0, ...)
 | | | | | | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7fff1fe12fe0, ...)
 | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 | | | | | < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x537484a6d
 | | | | < sltrgatime64+0x00000000003e returns: 0x155d511
 | | | < kcmgtsf+0x0000000001b2 returns: 0x3a182314
 | | | > kcmtdif(0x3a182314, 0x3a182314, ...)
 | | | < kcmtdif+0x00000000001b returns: 0
 | | | > ksl_get_shared_latch_int(0x60050340, 0x6ddb1408, ...)
 | | | < ksl_get_shared_latch_int+0x00000000016b returns: 0x1
 | | <> kslfre(0x60050340, 0x66c3c7, ...)
 | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | > kcn_stm_write(0x7fff1fe13228, 0x66c3c7, ...)
 | | | > kstmgetsectick(0x7fff1fe13228, 0x66c3c7, ...)
 | | | < kstmgetsectick+0x00000000003a returns: 0x5ae4c494
 | | | > ksl_get_shared_latch_int(0x6004ee40, 0x6ddb1408, ...)
 | | | < ksl_get_shared_latch_int+0x00000000016b returns: 0x1
 | | <> kslfre(0x6004ee40, 0x2244, ...)
 | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | > kcrfw_redo_write_initpic(0x699b4508, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | > kscn_to_ub8_impl(0x7fff1fe13228, 0x7fff1fe13228, ...)
 | | | < kscn_to_ub8_impl+0x00000000003e returns: 0x66c3c7
 | | < kcrfw_redo_write_initpic+0x0000000000dc returns: 0x3a182314
 | | > kscn_to_ub8_impl(0x7fff1fe13228, 0, ...)
 | | < kscn_to_ub8_impl+0x00000000003e returns: 0x66c3c7
 | | > kcrfw_gather_lwn(0x7fff1fe13268, 0x699b4508, ...)
 | | | > kslgetl(0x6abe4538, 0x1, ...)
 | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | > kcrfw_gather_strand(0x7fff1fe13268, 0, ...)
 | | | < kcrfw_gather_strand+0x0000000000c2 returns: 0
 | | | > kslfre(0x6abe4538, 0x17d5f, ...)
 | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | | > kslgetl(0x6abe45d8, 0x1, ...)
 | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | > kcrfw_gather_strand(0x7fff1fe13268, 0x1, ...)
 | | | < kcrfw_gather_strand+0x0000000000c2 returns: 0
 | | | > kslfre(0x6abe45d8, 0x137, ...)
 | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | < kcrfw_gather_lwn+0x00000000065c returns: 0xffffffff
 | | > krsh_trace(0x1000, 0x200, ...)
 | | < krsh_trace+0x00000000005d returns: 0
 | | > kspgip(0x71e, 0x1, ...)
 | | < kspgip+0x00000000023f returns: 0
 | | > kcrfw_slave_queue_setpreparing(0, 0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_queue_setpreparing+0x000000000021 returns: 0
 | | > kcrfw_slave_queue_flush_internal(0x1, 0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_queue_flush_internal+0x0000000000d7 returns: 0x1
 | | > kcrfw_do_null_write(0, 0, ...)
 | | | > kcrfw_slave_phase_batchdo(0, 0, ...)
 | | | | > kcrfw_slave_phase_enter(0, 0x9b, ...)
 | | | | < kcrfw_slave_phase_enter+0x000000000449 returns: 0
 | | | <> kcrfw_slave_phase_exit(0, 0x9b, ...)
 | | | < kcrfw_slave_phase_exit+0x00000000035a returns: 0
 | | | > kcrfw_post(0, 0, ...)
 | | | | > kcrfw_slave_single_getactivegroup(0, 0, ...)
 | | | | < kcrfw_slave_single_getactivegroup+0x000000000047 returns: 0x6a9a0718
 | | | | > kspGetInstType(0x1, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | > vsnffe_internal(0x19, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | > vsnfprd(0x19, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | < vsnfprd+0x00000000000f returns: 0x8
 | | | | | | > kfIsASMOn(0x19, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | <> kfOsmInstanceSafe(0x19, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | < kfOsmInstanceSafe+0x000000000031 returns: 0
 | | | | | < vsnffe_internal+0x0000000000a7 returns: 0
 | | | | | > kspges(0x115, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | < kspges+0x00000000010f returns: 0
 | | | | < kspGetInstType+0x0000000000b1 returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kcrfw_slave_phase_enter(0x1, 0x9b, ...)
 | | | | < kcrfw_slave_phase_enter+0x00000000006f returns: 0x9b
 | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016290, 0x7fff1fe12f98, ...)
 | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kcsaj8(0x60016290, 0x7fff1fe12f38, ...)
 | | | | < kcsaj8+0x0000000000dc returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kcrfw_slave_phase_exit(0x1, 0x9b, ...)
 | | | | < kcrfw_slave_phase_exit+0x00000000008e returns: 0
 | | | | > kslpsemf(0x97, 0, ...)
 | | | | | > ksl_postm_init(0x7fff1fe0ac30, 0x7fff1fe12c50, ...)
 | | | | | < ksl_postm_init+0x00000000002b returns: 0
 | | | | < kslpsemf+0x0000000006b5 returns: 0x1f
 | | | | > kcrfw_slave_barrier_nonmasterwait(0x6a9a0720, 0x4, ...)
 | | | | < kcrfw_slave_barrier_nonmasterwait+0x000000000035 returns: 0x600161a0
 | | | < kcrfw_post+0x000000000c1c returns: 0xd3
 | | < kcrfw_do_null_write+0x0000000000b2 returns: 0xd3
 | < kcrfw_redo_write_driver+0x000000000535 returns: 0xd3

The highlighted functions are extra functions executed when the instance is set to scalable log writer mode, or when adaptive mode has set the instance to scalable log writer mode. This means that the changes between the modes is minimal when there’s no writes, and outside of a few extra functions, the log writer does exactly the same.

The absence of any spectacular changes in the behaviour of the log writer when in scalable log writer mode when there are no writes does hint what the actual changes will be of the scalable mode, which is how writing is handled. In single log writer mode, the most time the log writer is process is likely to spend on is writing the change vectors into the online redologfiles, and maybe, if you have a bad application (!) semop()-ing foreground sessions will be second, if there are a large number of processes committing, because every process needs to be semop()-ed individually. These two functions, along with some other functionality are exactly what the log writer worker processes are doing.

This means that foreground processes do nothing different in scalable log writer mode, they signal (semop) the master log writer, which will investigate the public redo strands, and if the master log writer finds change vectors to write, it will assign log writer worker processes to perform the write, and the log writer worker process will semop() the foreground sessions to indicate the redo has been written when the instance is in post/wait mode, or do not semop() when the instance is in polling mode.

This is the entire function flow of a write when the instance is in scalable log writer mode:

 | > kcrfw_slave_queue_insert(0, 0xd3, ...)
 | | > kcrfw_slave_group_setcurrsize(0, 0, ...)
 | | < kcrfw_slave_group_setcurrsize+0x0000000001d1 returns: 0x1
 | | > _intel_fast_memcpy(0x6a9a05f8, 0x7ffdae335fa0, ...)
 | | <> _intel_fast_memcpy.P(0x6a9a05f8, 0x7ffdae335fa0, ...)
 | | <> __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy(0x6a9a05f8, 0x7ffdae335fa0, ...)
 | | < __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+0x000000002798 returns: 0x6a9a05f8
 | | > kcrfw_slave_group_postall(0, 0xf0, ...)
 | | | > ksvgcls(0, 0xf0, ...)
 | | | < ksvgcls+0x000000000021 returns: 0
 | | | > ksl_post_proc(0x6ddb32f0, 0, ...)
 | | | <> kskpthr(0x6ddb32f0, 0, ...)
 | | | <> kslpsprns(0x6ddb32f0, 0, ...)
 | | | | > ksl_update_post_stats(0x6ddb32f0, 0, ...)
 | | | | | > dbgtTrcData_int(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x2050031, ...)
 | | | | | | > dbgtBucketRedirect(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x7ffdae335338, ...)
 | | | | | | < dbgtBucketRedirect+0x000000000050 returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | > dbgtIncInMemTrcRedirect(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x6fa, ...)
 | | | | | | < dbgtIncInMemTrcRedirect+0x000000000035 returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | > skgstmGetEpochTs(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x6fa, ...)
 | | | | | | | > gettimeofday@plt(0x7ffdae334e40, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | | < __vdso_gettimeofday+0x0000000000fe returns: 0
 | | | | | | < skgstmGetEpochTs+0x000000000049 returns: 0x20e067375b55d
 | | | | | | > dbgtrRecAllocate(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x7ffdae3352e0, ...)
 | | | | | | | > dbgtrPrepareWrite(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x65accba0, ...)
 | | | | | | | < dbgtrPrepareWrite+0x00000000011c returns: 0x4
 | | | | | | < dbgtrRecAllocate+0x000000000144 returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | > _intel_fast_memcpy(0x65acda30, 0x7ffdae3353d8, ...)
 | | | | | | <> _intel_fast_memcpy.P(0x65acda30, 0x7ffdae3353d8, ...)
 | | | | | | <> __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy(0x65acda30, 0x7ffdae3353d8, ...)
 | | | | | | < __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+0x000000002030 returns: 0x65acda30
 | | | | | | > dbgtrRecEndSegment(0x7f464c0676c0, 0x7ffdae3352e0, ...)
 | | | | | | < dbgtrRecEndSegment+0x00000000011c returns: 0x77c000a4
 | | | | | < dbgtTrcData_int+0x000000000323 returns: 0x77c000a4
 | | | | < ksl_update_post_stats+0x00000000024f returns: 0x77c000a4
 | | | | > skgpwpost(0x7ffdae335480, 0x7f464c0acca0, ...)
 | | | | <> sskgpwpost(0x7ffdae335480, 0x7f464c0acca0, ...)
 | | | | | > semop@plt(0xc0000, 0x7ffdae335410, ...)
 | | | | | < semop+0x00000000000f returns: 0
 | | | | < sskgpwpost+0x00000000009a returns: 0x1
 | | | < kslpsprns+0x0000000001c3 returns: 0
 | | < kcrfw_slave_group_postall+0x0000000000a8 returns: 0
 | < kcrfw_slave_queue_insert+0x0000000001b6 returns: 0x667bc540

After the instance has established there are change vectors in kcrfw_gather_lwn, in single log writer mode, the function kcrfw_redo_write is called, which will call kcrfw_do_write which handles the writing, and kslpslf to semop any waiting processes among other things. Now in scalable log writer mode, kcrfw_slave_queue_insert is called which assigns work to worker processes, and then kcrfw_slave_group_postall is called to semop one or more worker processes.

The worker processes are sleeping on a semaphore, and if a process gets signalled, it exits the kcrfw_slave_queue_remove function, ends the wait event, and calls kcrfw_redo_write, just like the master log writer process would call in single log writer mode, which includes doing the write (kcrfw_do_write) and posting the foregrounds (kslpslf), exactly all the functions.

The adaptive scalable log writer processes function has been silently introduced with Oracle 12, although a lot of the used functionality has been available more or less in earlier versions. It is a fully automatic feature which will turn itself on and off based on heuristics. The purpose of this article is to explain how it works and what it is doing. Essentially, all the functionality that surrounds a log writer write has been moved to a worker process, which means the work can be done in parallel with multiple processes, whilst all the work outside of the work around the write, which is not performance critical, is left with the master log writer.

I gotten some requests to provide an overview of the redo series of blogposts I am currently running. Here it is:

A look into Oracle redo, part 1: redo allocation latches

A look into Oracle redo, part 2: the discovery of the KCRFA structure

A look into Oracle redo, part 3: log writer work cycle overview

A look into into Oracle redo, part 4: the log writer null write

A look into Oracle redo, part 5: the log writer writing

A look into Oracle redo, part 6: oracle post-wait commit and the on disk SCN

A look into oracle redo, part 7: adaptive log file sync

A look into oracle redo, part 8: generate redo

A look into oracle redo, part 9: commit

A look into oracle redo, part 9a: commit – concurrency considerations

A look into oracle redo, part 10: commit_wait and commit_logging

Private redo strands, In memory undo and throw away undo:

The redo series would not be complete without writing about changing the behaviour of commit. There are two ways to change commit behaviour:

1. Changing waiting for the logwriter to get notified that the generated redo is persisted. The default is ‘wait’. This can be set to ‘nowait’.
2. Changing the way the logwriter handles generated redo. The default is ‘immediate’. This can be set to ‘batch’.

There are actually three ways these changes can be made:
1. As argument of the commit statement: ‘commit’ can be written as ‘commit write wait immediate’ (statement level).
2. As a system level setting. By omitting an explicit commit mode when executing the commit command, the setting as set with the parameters commit_wait (default: wait) and commit_logging (default: immediate).
3. As a session level setting. By omitting an explicit commit mode, but by setting either commit_wait or commit_logging it overrides the settings at the system level.

At this point I should say that in my personal opinion, if you need to change this, there is something very wrong with how the database is used in the first place. This can enhance performance a bit (totally depending on what you are doing and how your hardware looks like), but it does nothing magic, as you will see.

a) commit wait/nowait
I ran a pin tools debugtrace on a session that commits explicitly with the write mode explicitly set to wait (the default), and a session that commits explicitly with the write mode set to nowait. If you took the time to read the other redo related articles you know that a commit generates changes vectors that are written in the public redo strand, changes the transaction table in the undo segment header and then signals the logwriter to write in kcrf_commit_force_int, releases all transactional control on the rows in the transaction that are committed, after which kcrf_commit_force_int is called again in order to wait for the logwriter to get notified that the change vectors have been persisted.

When commit is set to nowait, actually what happens is very simple: everything that is executed in ‘wait mode’ commit is executed in ‘nowait mode’ too, except for calling the kcrf_commit_force_int a second time, which is the functionality to wait for the notification from the logwriter.

commit wait:

 | | < kpoal8+0x000000000f8c returns: 0x2
 | | > ksupop(0x1, 0x7a87a9a0, ...)
 | | | > ksugit_i(0x11526940, 0x7a87a9a0, ...)
 | | | < ksugit_i+0x00000000002a returns: 0
 | | | > _setjmp@plt(0x7ffda5959c50, 0x7a87a9a0, ...)
 | | | <> __sigsetjmp(0x7ffda5959c50, 0, ...)
 | | | <> __sigjmp_save(0x7ffda5959c50, 0, ...)
 | | | < __sigjmp_save+0x000000000025 returns: 0
 | | | > kcbdsy(0x7ffda5959c50, 0x7f3011cbc028, ...)
 | | | <> kcrf_commit_force_int(0x7f3011d75e10, 0x1, ...)
 | | | < kcrf_commit_force_int+0x000000000b9c returns: 0x1
 | | | > kslws_check_waitstack(0x3, 0x7f3011d82f40, ...)
 | | | < kslws_check_waitstack+0x000000000065 returns: 0
 | | | > kssdel(0x7a87a9a0, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | > kpdbUidToId(0, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | < kpdbUidToId+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 | | | | > kss_del_cb(0x7ffda5959b50, 0x7f3011d82f40, ...)
 | | | | | > kpdbUidToId(0, 0x7f3011d82f40, ...)
 | | | | | < kpdbUidToId+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 | | | | | > ksudlc(0x7a87a9a0, 0x1, ...)

commit nowait:

 | | < kpoal8+0x000000000f8c returns: 0x2
 | | > ksupop(0x1, 0x63c82a38, ...)
 | | | > ksugit_i(0x11526940, 0x63c82a38, ...)
 | | | < ksugit_i+0x00000000002a returns: 0
 | | | > _setjmp@plt(0x7fff43332a50, 0x63c82a38, ...)
 | | | <> __sigsetjmp(0x7fff43332a50, 0, ...)
 | | | <> __sigjmp_save(0x7fff43332a50, 0, ...)
 | | | < __sigjmp_save+0x000000000025 returns: 0
 | | | > kslws_check_waitstack(0x3, 0x7fd1cea22028, ...)
 | | | < kslws_check_waitstack+0x000000000065 returns: 0
 | | | > kssdel(0x63c82a38, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | > kpdbUidToId(0, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | < kpdbUidToId+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 | | | | > kss_del_cb(0x7fff43332950, 0x7fd1ceae8f40, ...)
 | | | | | > kpdbUidToId(0, 0x7fd1ceae8f40, ...)
 | | | | | < kpdbUidToId+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 | | | | | > ksudlc(0x63c82a38, 0x1, ...)

Yes, it’s that simple. In normal commit mode, commit wait, in ksupop (kernel service user pop (restore) user or recursive call) a call to kcbdsy is executed, which performs a tailcall to kcrf_commit_force_int. In nowait commit mode, kcbdsy is simply not called in ksupop, which actually exactly does what nowait means, the waiting for the logwriter notification is not done.

b) commit immediate/batch
I ran a pin tools debugtrace on a session that commits explicitly with the write mode explicitly set to immediate, and a session that commits explicitly with the write mode set to batch. If you read the other redo related articles you know that a commit generates changes vectors that are written in the public redo strand, changes the transaction table in the undo segment header and then signals the logwriter to write in kcrf_commit_force_int, then releases all transactional control on the rows in the transaction that are committed, after which kcrf_commit_force_int is called again in order to wait for the logwriter to get notified that the change vectors have been persisted.

When commit is set to batch, actually what happens is very simple: everything is done exactly the same in ‘immediate mode’ commit, except for calling the kcrf_commit_force_int the first time, which is the functionality that triggers the logwriter to write. So it looks like ‘batch mode’ is not explicitly batching writes for the logwriter, but rather the disablement of the signal to the logwriter to write right after the change vectors have been copied and the blocks are changed. But that is not all…

I noticed something weird when analysing the calls in the debugtrace of ‘commit write batch’: not only was the first invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int gone, the second invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int was also gone too! That is weird, because the Oracle documentation says:


Use these clauses to specify when control returns to the user.

The WAIT parameter ensures that the commit will return only after the corresponding redo is persistent in the online redo log. Whether in BATCH or IMMEDIATE mode, when the client receives a successful return from this COMMIT statement, the transaction has been committed to durable media. A crash occurring after a successful write to the log can prevent the success message from returning to the client. In this case the client cannot tell whether or not the transaction committed.

The NOWAIT parameter causes the commit to return to the client whether or not the write to the redo log has completed. This behavior can increase transaction throughput. With the WAIT parameter, if the commit message is received, then you can be sure that no data has been lost.

If you omit this clause, then the transaction commits with the WAIT behavior.

The important, and WRONG thing, is in the last line: ‘if you omit this clause, then the transaction commits with the WAIT behavior’. Actually, if the commit mode is set to batch, the commit wait mode flips to nowait with it. It does perform the ultimate batching, which is not sending a signal to the logwriter at all, so what happens is that change vectors in the public redo strands are written to disk by the logwriter only every 3 seconds, because that is the timeout for the logwriter sleeping on a semaphore, after which it obtains any potential redo to write via information in kcrfsg_ and KCRFA structures. This is important, because with NOWAIT behaviour, there is no guarantee changes have been persisted for the committing session.

I was surprised to find this, which for me it meant I was searching for ‘kcrf_commit_force_int’ in the debugtrace of a commit with the ‘write batch’ arguments, and did not find any of them. Actually, this has been reported by Marcin Przepiorowski in a comment on an article by Christian Antognini on this topic.

Can this commit batching be changed to include waiting for the logwriter? Yes, actually it can if you explicitly include ‘wait’ with the commit write batch. It is very interesting the kcrf_commit_force_int function then comes back at a totally different place:

 | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ktuulc+0x000000000119 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ktudnx(0x69fc8eb0, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ktuIMTabCacheCommittedTxn(0x69fc8eb0, 0x7ffe9eb79e74, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ktuIMTabCacheCommittedTxn+0x000000000071 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kslgetl(0x6ab9d6e8, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kslfre(0x6ab9d6e8, 0x6ab9ce00, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ktudnx+0x0000000005e4 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ktuTempdnx(0x69fc8eb0, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ktuTempdnx+0x000000000083 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kcb_sync_last_change(0x69fc8eb0, 0x6df64df8, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> kcrf_commit_force_int(0x7f525ba19c00, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kcrf_commit_force_int+0x000000000b9c returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kghstack_free(0x7f525bb359a0, 0x7f525690ead8, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kghstack_free+0x00000000005a returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | | | | | < ktucmt+0x000000000e0c returns: 0

Instead of simply keeping the separate call after the transaction in the ksupop function, described above with commit wait/nowait, which is kcrf_commit_force_int with second argument set to 1, which means it notifies the logwriter as well as waits for the logwriter notification of the write, it is now is called after the function to clear the TX enqueue (ktuulc) and the undo transaction count has been lowered (ktudnx) at the end of the ktucmt function as a tailcall of kcb_sync_last_change, which wasn’t called before. Of course this limits the IO batching opportunities.

Do not change your database or even your session to make your commit faster. If you must, read this article carefully and understand the trade offs. One trade off which hasn’t been highlighted is: this might change in a different version, and it requires some effort to investigate. And again: if you still are considering this: probably you have a different problem that you should look at. Do not take this option in desperation to hope for a magical restoration of performance.

The commit_write option nowait does trigger the logwriter to write (the first invocation of the kcrf_commit_force_int function), but it does not wait for write confirmation. The commit_logging option batch does something different than the documentation says it does, it does not issue a signal to the logwriter, nor wait for it. This way the logwriter can wait the full three seconds before it times out on its semaphore and write what is in the public redo strands. But there is no way to tell if the redo for your change has been persisted yet, because that wait is gone too (that wait is the infamous ‘log file sync’ wait). If you want batching but still want a write notification, you must set commit_write to wait explicitly. By doing that you do not get the optimal batching because then waiting for the logwriter, including sending a signal to write is executed, which I suspect to be in the same ballpark as regular committing, but I haven’t checked that.

During the investigations of my previous blogpost about what happens during a commit and when the data becomes available, I used breaks in gdb (GNU debugger) at various places of the execution of an insert and a commit to see what is visible for other sessions during the various stages of execution of the commit.

However, I did find something else, which is very logical, but is easily overlooked: at certain moments access to the table is blocked/serialised in order to let a session make changes to blocks belonging to the table, or peripheral blocks like undo, for the sake of consistency. These are changes made at the physical layer of an Oracle segment, the logical model of Oracle says that writers don’t block readers.

The first question is if this is a big issue. Well, for that you should simply look at any normal usage of an Oracle database. I don’t believe these serialisation moments are an issue, because the majority of my client’s does not experience serialisation problem.

However, this can become an issue if database processes can not run at will. What that means is that if processes are randomly stopped from execution by the operating system or hypervisor, it could be that the database process can be at an earlier mentioned ‘serialisation point’, which then means that access for all other processes remains blocked until the process is made running again, which then gives the process the opportunity to free exclusive access to a resource.

What are issues when a database process can not run at will?
– CPU oversubscription. If more processes are running than CPU’s are available (think about core’s and threads, and what it means for your CPU architecture), it means the operating system needs to make a decision on what it wants to be running, and what it wants to wait. No operating system scheduler understands or can know when an Oracle database process is running in a critical part of code, and therefore should not stop execution of it.
– Memory oversubscription. Whenever your system starts actively swapping in and out, your system is swapping, which means it’s moving active pages onto the swap device, and reads back active pages from the swap device for a process that demands them. This will activate additional tasks, and make processes get stuck waiting for memory to become available at all kinds of points during execution. Often, swapping is the beginning of the end, which means the services on the server stop functioning altogether for multiple reasons, like the Out Of Memory killer, or simply timing out for client’s of a process.
– Oversubscription of CPU or memory using virtualisation. As a troubleshooter, I would say this is actually worse than the ‘simple oversubscription’ mentioned in the two earlier points. Because typically, the visible part is the virtual machine. The virtual machine in this case itself is not oversubscribed, the oversubscription takes place at a layer invisible to the virtual machine, which unexplainably performs unpredictable. It is simply not okay to oversubscribe any machine that needs to run something that is latency sensitive like the Oracle database, unless you fully understand all the trade-offs that are coming with it, and you have the ability to understand when it does start to occur.

Whenever database processes can not run at will, you will see waits you didn’t see when processes could run at will. Typical waits in that case are (not an exhaustive list):
– any latch waits
– buffer busy waits
– any cursor: pin waits
Please mind these waits are not unique for this issue, any of these waits can occur for other reasons too.

Let me show a couple of examples for which the wait is artificially created by stopping execution at a point where this serialisation takes place, thereby mimicking getting put off cpu due to load, using the earlier insert and commit execution:

a) latch: cache buffers chains
Whenever a process needs to read or modify a database buffer, it needs to ‘pin’ the buffer. Such a pin is also known as a buffer handle or a buffer state object. The pin, which is a memory area, must be obtained from a freelist and attached to the buffer header in order to pin the buffer. A pin is obtained using the kcbzgs (kernel cache buffers helper functions get state object) function, which calls the kssadf_numa_intl (kernel service state objects add from freelist numa internal) function which initialises the state object.

The function that performs the actual pin of a block is not a single one, pinning a block is done in multiple functions. Two of them are kcbgtcr (kernel cache buffers get consistent read) and kcbgcur (kernel cache buffers get current). Under normal circumstances, concurrency for a consistent read of a buffer (kcbgtcr) does not lead to any blocking, because the latch (cache buffers chains) can be taken in shared mode, and the pinning is done in ‘fast mode’ (my interpretation):

> kcbgtcr(0x7f88a8b79db0, 0, ...)
| > kscn_to_ub8_impl(0x7f88a8b88d4c, 0x6baefdc0, ...)
| < kscn_to_ub8_impl+0x00000000003e returns: 0x287562
| > ktrexf(0x7fff998123f8, 0x7f88ae5d7f30, ...)
| | > ktrEvalBlockForCR(0x7f88a8b88d4c, 0x7f88ae5d7f30, ...)
| | < ktrEvalBlockForCR+0x0000000000f4 returns: 0x1
| < ktrexf+0x0000000000a4 returns: 0x9
| > kcbzgsf(0x1, 0x7fff998120b8, ...)
| | > kssadf_numa_intl(0x36, 0x6ddc0b50, ...)
| | | > kpdbIdToUid(0, 0x6ddc0b50, ...)
| | | < kpdbIdToUid+0x0000000000e7 returns: 0
| | < kssadf_numa_intl+0x000000000235 returns: 0x6bf84908
| < kcbzgsf+0x0000000001a0 returns: 0x6bf84908
| > kcbz_fp_cr(0x8dff9478, 0x6bf84998, ...)
| < kcbz_fp_cr+0x000000000089 returns: 0
| > kscn_to_ub8_impl(0x7f88a8b88d70, 0x1, ...)
| < kscn_to_ub8_impl+0x00000000003e returns: 0
< kcbgtcr+0x000000000b38 returns: 0x8df94014

Inside the kcbgtcr function, kcbzgsf (kernel cache buffers helper functions test state object fast) is called, and after that, the state object is pinned to the block in kcbz_fp_cr (kernel cache buffers helper functions fast pin for consistent read). Do you see the absence of ksl_get_shared_latch function to serialise access to add this pin? Actually the cache buffers chains latch is gotten, but it’s done inside the kcbgtcr function. The latch is gotten before the ktrexf (kernel transaction redo examine block fast) in shared mode, and the latch is released after the kcbz_fp_cr function. Multiple processes can pin the block for consistent read without serialisation or blocking each other because of the cache buffers chains latch being a shared latch, and this latch is taken in shared mode.

Why do I show this? Well, in the “old” days, which is Oracle 8.1, Oracle did not use shared latches (at least on the platforms I worked on, but if my memory serves me right, shared latches were introduced starting from Oracle 9), which meant for any logical read the cache buffers chains latch had to be obtained. This could get painful for very frequently visited blocks, like index root blocks, and high concurrency, and additional to that, because there was no post/wait messaging for latch waits but only spinning, this meant lots of processes waiting for latch number 98, and CPU usage going through the roof.

Back to today. Below is shown how the function calls look like when DML is done. When a buffer change is done (data is changed), a buffer has to be obtained in current mode, which is done using the kcbgcur function:

> kcbgcur(0x7ffda5957c70, 0x2, ...)
| > kcbzgs(0x1, 0x2, ...)
| | > kssadf_numa_intl(0x36, 0x7a6086c8, ...)
| | | > kpdbIdToUid(0, 0x7a6086c8, ...)
| | | < kpdbIdToUid+0x0000000000e7 returns: 0
| | < kssadf_numa_intl+0x000000000235 returns: 0x7867c9c0
| < kcbzgs+0x000000000178 returns: 0x7867c9c0
| > kti_is_imu(0x7867ca50, 0xb0f71018, ...)
| | > ktcgtx(0x76f29d50, 0xb0f71018, ...)
| | < ktcgtx+0x00000000001e returns: 0x76f29d50
| < kti_is_imu+0x000000000039 returns: 0
< kcbgcur+0x0000000009fb returns: 0xb0302014

This looks reasonably the same as the previous call overview which shown kcbgtcr, however the kcbzgsf function changed to kcbzgs, so minus the ‘f’ for fast, and a few other functions are missing. Another interesting thing (not visible) is the cache buffers chains latch is obtained after the kcbzgs function that obtains the buffer state object, and the latch is obtained with special bit 0x1000000000000000 set to indicate the shared latch is obtained in non-shared mode. After the kti_is_imu function the pin is attached to the buffer and the latch is freed.

To make things a little more complicated, a buffer can be gotten in current mode, but still get the cache buffers chains in shared mode. This is how that looks like:

> kcbgcur(0x7ffda5955620, 0x1, ...)
| > kcbzgs(0x1, 0x1, ...)
| | > kssadf_numa_intl(0x36, 0x7a6086c8, ...)
| | | > kpdbIdToUid(0, 0x7a6086c8, ...)
| | | < kpdbIdToUid+0x0000000000e7 returns: 0
| | < kssadf_numa_intl+0x000000000235 returns: 0x7867c9c0
| < kcbzgs+0x000000000178 returns: 0x7867c9c0
| > kcbz_fp_shr(0xb0fa3cb8, 0x7867ca50, ...)
| < kcbz_fp_shr+0x000000000085 returns: 0x7f3011d82f40
< kcbgcur+0x0000000009fb returns: 0xb07a0014

The function kcbzgs without ‘f’ is called, but the cache buffers chains latch is gotten in shared mode (not visible; done in the kcbgcur function after kcbzgs), and there’s the function kcbz_fp_shr (kernel cache buffers helper function fast pin shared) to pin the buffer in shared mode.

In order to be allowed to change a buffer, the cache buffers chains latch must be taken in non-shared mode to change the buffer header to indicate the buffer is busy and guarantee only the process itself can access it. Obtaining the cache buffers chains latch in non-shared mode means that access to the hash bucket (multiple hash buckets actually) to which the buffer is linked is blocked until the latch is freed. Please mind the period that the latch is obtained here is very short.

However, this blocking scenario can be easily replayed:
1. session 1: startup a database foreground session.
2. session 2: obtain the PID of the session 1’s process and attach to it with gdb.
3. session 2: break on the kti_is_imu function (break kti_is_imu) and continue.
4. session 1: insert a row into a table (insert into test values (‘a’);). the breakpoint will fire in gdb, stopping execution.
5. session 3: startup another database foreground session.
6. session 3: select the table on which the insert just broke (select * from test;). This will hang.
7. session 4: startup a SYSDBA session, and obtain the wait state of the foreground sessions:

SQL> @who active

SID_SERIAL_INST OSPID    USERNAME      C SERVER    PROGRAM                                          EXTRA
--------------- -------- ------------- - --------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------
59,53450,@1     28166    SYS           * DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:0ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:98
102,53150,@1    28083    TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:66867.83ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:33
101,6637,@1     28186    TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:344013.82ms,event:latch: cache buffers chainsp1:1811473056p2:289p3:24599> Blocked by (inst:sid): 1:102,seq#:39

SID 101 is waiting on the cache buffers chains latch, because SID 102 is holding that. SID 102 is showing ON CPU because we broke execution outside of a wait event, so Oracle thinks it’s busy executing, while it is actually stopped by gdb.

Again, this is a wait (latch: cache buffers chains) that is unlikely be an issue, and if it is, you either ran into a bug, or this is only the way a much bigger problem (oversubscription, bad application design) is showing itself.

b) buffer busy waits
The name of the wait event ‘buffer busy wait’ is self explanatory. The technical implementation is way lesser known. What technically happens during a buffer busy wait, is that a session needs to read a certain buffer, and in order to read it, it performs the usual actions of selecting the correct cache buffers chains bucket, following the double linked list to the buffer headers to find the best best buffer and then obtain a buffer state object. The critical part for running into the buffer busy wait is when the session checks the state of the buffer via the buffer header and finds the change state (X$BH.CSTATE) to be higher than 0, indicating the block is currently being changed. At this point the session calls kcbzwb (kernel cache buffers helper function wait for buffer), and must wait for the buffer state to be changed and therefore accessible, for which the wait event is the buffer busy wait event. When the change state is reverted back to 0, the buffer is accessible again.

Once a buffer is pinned in current mode using kcbgcur en kcbzgs, the buffer is still fully accessible for all sessions. Only once the database truly starts to change the buffer, which is done in kcbchg1_main, the cache buffers chains latch is taken non-shared, and the CSTATE field in the buffer header is changed to 1 and then the latch is freed. My current investigations show that the CSTATE is changed to 2 after the kcopcv and kcrfw_copy_cv functions, so when the redo is written to the public redo strand, and set to 4 after the changes have been written to the buffers, which is done in kcbapl. At the end of the kcbchg1_main function, when all the changes are done, the cache buffers chains latch is taken non-shared again, the CSTATE field is set to 0 and the latch is freed to enable access to the buffer again.

68801:kcbchg1_main+2536:0x000000006ba4e4d8(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+182772952 shared pool|(child)latch#5383:cache buffers chains+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+2204888 ):R:8:0/0()
68802:kcbchg1_main+2536:0x000000006ba4e4d8(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+182772952 shared pool|(child)latch#5383:cache buffers chains+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+2204888 ):W:8:0x1000000000000022/1152921504606847010()
68897:kcbchg1_main+3318:0x00000000967eddda(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+901701082 buffer header|9668A000+66 ):W:1:0x1/1()
68939:kcbchg1_main+3715:0x000000006ba4e4d8(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+182772952 shared pool|(child)latch#5383:cache buffers chains+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+2204888 ):R:8:0x1000000000000022/1152921504606847010()
68940:kcbchg1_main+3715:0x000000006ba4e4d8(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+182772952 shared pool|(child)latch#5383:cache buffers chains+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+2204888 ):W:8:0/0()

Above you see a cache buffers chains latch being obtained non shared (special bit 0x1000000000000000 is set), a little later the buffer header is updated which sets the value 1 at offset 66. Once this happens, this is visible in the CSTATE column of X$BH. A little further the latch is freed.

Why am I showing all of this? Well, there is quite some work that is done while the buffer is in a changed state (CSTATE>0) and therefore inaccessible. In normal situations, this is not a problem because despite all the work this is done very quickly, and therefore it’s hardly noticeable/measurable, so there’s no or very little time spend in buffer busy waits in most databases

However… if processes do get stuck randomly, it’s possible that a process gets stuck while making changes to a buffer, which then means any additional access to the buffer results in buffer busy waits. Also mind that a change to a table buffer requires (at least; in the most simple case) three buffers to be changed: the buffer containing the table data, the buffer containing the undo segment transaction table and the buffer containing the actual undo. A commit requires one buffer: the undo segment transaction table.

Let me show you an example:
1. session 1: startup a database foreground session.
2. session 2: obtain the PID of the session 1’s process and attach to it with gdb.
3. session 2: break on ktugur and kcopcv and continue.
4. session 3: startup a database foreground session.
5. session 1: insert a row into a table: insert into test values (‘a’);
6. session 2: gdb breaks execution of session 1 because it encountered ktugur.
7. session 3: select * from test; this runs unblocked.
8. session 4: startup a database foreground session as sysdba.
9. session 4: select * from v$lock; this will hang.

This one wasn’t obvious. I found this upon doing the tests. When a foreground session is in ktugur, it is creating the change vectors (kernel transaction undo generate undo and redo), and it holds two buffers in current mode:

SQL> l
  1  select tablespace,
  2  	dbablk,
  3  	class,
  4  	state,
  5  	decode(state,0,'free',1,'xcur',2,'scur',3,'cr', 4,'read',5,'mrec',6,'irec',7,'write',8,'pi', 9,'memory',10,'mwrite',11,'donated', 12,'protected',  13,'securefile', 14,'siop',15,'recckpt', 16, 'flashfree',  17, 'flashcur', 18, 'flashna') state_decoded,
  6  	mode_held,
  7  	changes,
  8  	cstate,
  9  	flag,
 10  	flag2,
 11  	rflag,
 12  	sflag,
 13  	lru_flag,
 14  	dirty_queue
 15  from 	  x$bh b
 16  	, v$tablespace ts
 17  where 	1=1
 18  and	not (us_nxt = us_prv and wa_nxt = wa_prv and to_number(wa_nxt,'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') = to_number(us_nxt,'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') + 16)
 19* and	b.ts#=ts.ts#
SQL> /

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
UNDOTBS1                              128         17          1 xcur                2          1          0    2097152          0          0          0          0           0
TS                                  24597          1          1 xcur                2          1          0    2097153          0          0          0          0           0

The thing that was not obvious at first was that the blocks have CSTATE 0; so they can be accessed and read for a consistent read. Then I look at the wait and the p1/2/3 of the wait:

SID_SERIAL_INST OSPID    USERNAME      C SERVER    PROGRAM                                          EXTRA
--------------- -------- ------------- - --------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
100,262,@1      6274     SYS             DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:2519.48ms,event:buffer busy waitsp1:3p2:128p3:17> Blocked by (inst:sid): 1:59,seq#:476
142,15103,@1    6695     TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:47115.23ms,event:SQL*Net message from client,seq#:226
12,25165,@1     7036     SYS           * DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:0ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:3165
59,31601,@1     5891     TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:31292.51ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:111

Above SID 100 is session 4; it hangs on a buffer busy wait. The datafile is #2, which is the undo table space UNDOTBS1 and the buffer that it is waiting for is 128. Why does SID 100 needs to wait for the buffer, while another session (session 3 in the above runbook) can run without getting blocked for a buffer that is held exactly in the same state (xcur and CSTATE is zero)?

The answer can be gotten when executing pstack on the waiting process (or attach with gdb and obtain a backtrace):

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007fd6a085bbda in semtimedop () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
#1  0x0000000010f9cca6 in sskgpwwait ()
#2  0x0000000010f9a2e8 in skgpwwait ()
#3  0x0000000010a66995 in ksliwat ()
#4  0x0000000010a65d25 in kslwaitctx ()
#5  0x00000000015c5e5e in kcbzwb ()
#6  0x0000000010b3748e in kcbgcur ()
#7  0x0000000010ab9b17 in ktuGetUsegHdr ()
#8  0x00000000014075d3 in ktcxbcProcessInPDB ()
#9  0x0000000001406de2 in ktcxbc ()
#10 0x0000000010ea8781 in qerfxFetch ()
#11 0x0000000010bb919c in rwsfcd ()
#12 0x00000000035ae618 in qeruaFetch ()
#13 0x00000000035ad837 in qervwFetch ()
#14 0x0000000010bb919c in rwsfcd ()
#15 0x0000000010ea1528 in qerhnFetch ()
#16 0x0000000010bb919c in rwsfcd ()
#17 0x0000000010ea1528 in qerhnFetch ()
#18 0x0000000010c9eeb3 in opifch2 ()
#19 0x000000000268c3de in kpoal8 ()
#20 0x0000000010ca5b3d in opiodr ()
#21 0x0000000010f37a29 in ttcpip ()
#22 0x0000000001eb4674 in opitsk ()
#23 0x0000000001eb914d in opiino ()
#24 0x0000000010ca5b3d in opiodr ()
#25 0x0000000001eb04ed in opidrv ()
#26 0x0000000002afedf1 in sou2o ()
#27 0x0000000000d05577 in opimai_real ()
#28 0x0000000002b09b31 in ssthrdmain ()
#29 0x0000000000d05386 in main ()

The important bit is at #6: kcbgcur (kernel cache buffers get buffer in current mode)! In other words: the block is gotten in current mode while another session is holding the block in current mode, which means it has to wait. The function kcbzwb means kernel cache buffer helper function wait for buffer.

I really wondered why the undo segment buffer is gotten in current mode; this is a read, there is no intention to change something. The current educated guess is this a way to be sure this buffer contains the current state of the transactions across all nodes in a RAC cluster. So this might be a clever optimisation to be absolutely sure the current state of the undo segment transaction table is gotten.

10. session 2: continue. This will break on kcopcv.
11. session 3: select * from test; this will hang.

Now we have two hanging sessions waiting for the wait event buffer busy wait:

SQL> @who active

SID_SERIAL_INST OSPID    USERNAME      C SERVER    PROGRAM                                          EXTRA
--------------- -------- ------------- - --------- ------------------------------------------------ -----------------
100,262,@1      6274     SYS             DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:120790ms,event:buffer busy waitsp1:3p2:128p3:35> Blocked by (inst:sid): 1:59,seq#:501
142,15103,@1    6695     TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:1175715.03ms,event:buffer busy waitsp1:4p2:24597p3:1> Blocked by (inst:sid): 1:59,seq#:250
12,25165,@1     7036     SYS           * DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:0ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:3309
59,31601,@1     5891     TS              DEDICATED sqlplus@memory-presentation.local (TNS V1-V3)    time:9544.97ms,event:ON CPU:SQL,seq#:116

SID 100 still hangs in wait event buffer busy wait for file 3, block 128, but now the session doing the full table scan also hangs in wait event buffer busy wait, but for file 4, block 24597. Let’s look at the buffers held in current mode again:

SQL> @pinned_blocks

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
UNDOTBS1                              128         35          1 xcur                2          0          1    2097156          0          0          0          0           0
UNDOTBS1                             3127         36          1 xcur                2          0          1    2097156          0          0          0          0           0
TS                                  24597          1          1 xcur                2          0          1    2097157          0          0          0          0           0

Because the insert progressed to kcopcv, the CSTATE of all three buffers involved in the insert, the undo segment transaction table, the undo segment undo entry and the buffer which has the inserted row are set to 1. This means that the two buffer busy waits are actually two different reasons: the select * from v$lock still waits to get a buffer in current mode, and the select * from test, which does a consistent read, now is waiting for the CSTATE to get set back to 0. In order to solve the hanging, go to session 2 and continue. This will break again on kcoapl, and again if you continue, because there are 3 blocks involved in this insert. Another way to make the insert finish is to disable all breakpoints (disable command) or to quit gdb.

Just for the fun of it, here is another example of how a stuck session can escalate: a process that gets stuck executing the kcbapl (kernel cache buffers apply a change to a buffer). This scenario can be replayed using the following steps:
1. session 1: startup a database foreground session.
2. session 2: obtain the PID of the session 1’s process and attach to it with gdb.
3. session 2: break on kcbapl and continue.
4. session 3: startup a database foreground session.
5. session 3: insert a row into a table: insert into test values (‘a’);
6. session 1: insert a row into a table: insert into test values (‘a’);
7. session 2: gdb broken execution of session 1 because it encountered kcbapl.
8. session 3: commit; this will hang

Can you reason why session 3 is hanging? Both the sessions are doing inserts to the same table…Give it a thought and replay it yourself.

Explanation: the breakpoint stopped execution before actually doing the changes. CSTATE for the buffer is set to 1, it will get set to 2 inside kcbapl to indicate the change vectors have been copied. But the important bit is that a redo copy latch was taken before executing kcbapl. The commit in session 3 sent a message to the logwriter asynchronously asking it to write (first invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int), and then freed the logical locking of the insert, and then invoked kcrf_commit_force again to wait for the logwriter to finish writing and get notified. However, the logwriter needs to obtain all the redo copy latches (it actually reads a metadata structure that indicates the redo copy latches are freed or not), at which it needs to wait because session 1 stuck holding a redo copy latch and therefore needs to wait. Not only does this show how dangerous it is when sessions can’t run, it also shows how dangerous it can be to run gdb in a production database, it can be quite hard to figure out what will be the implication of attaching with gdb to the process. So the actual outcome of above is that session 3 waits in the event ‘log file sync’, and the logwriter is waiting in ‘LGWR wait for redo copy’.

The Oracle database is carefully setup to be able to handle concurrency. In most normal situations you will see no to maybe very little time spend in wait events that indicate concurrency, like latches or buffer busy waits. If an Oracle database is on a machine that has more active processes than available CPU threads or cores (this depends on the hardware and CPU architecture; for Intel based architectures you should lean towards core’s, for SPARC you can lean more towards threads), the operating system needs to make choices, and will do that trying to give all processes an equal share. This means that processes will be put off CPU in order to give all processes a fair share of CPU run time. Also mind other oversubscription possibilities, like using more memory than physically available, and doing the same using virtualisation, which is handing out more VCPU’s than CPU threads, and handing out more memory than physically available. Because you can’t look outside your virtual machine, it’s often harder to troubleshoot virtualisation oversubscription issues.

Oracle really tries to minimise the amount of time spend while holding a non shared latch. Therefore with modern Oracle databases it’s unlikely that latch waits show up, even if a system is (not too much) oversubscribed. If you do have a latching problem, it’s most likely you have got another problem which causes this.

The most well documented reason for buffer busy waits is a buffer being written onto persistent media, and therefore the buffer is marked busy for the time of the write. Another reason that is documented, is getting a buffer in a mode that is not compatible with the mode it is held in. Having a buffer in current mode will block another request for the buffer in current mode. But, having a buffer pinned in current mode does not block consistent read access, it’s only when the buffer is being changed that requires the buffer to be marked busy. This state is externalised in the CSTATE column of the view X$BH, which shows fields of the buffer header struct that is used to manage the buffer cache buffers. Because there is quite some work to be done when a buffer is changed, and during making these changes the buffers are not usable (‘busy’) for other processes, a buffer busy wait is more likely to occur when oversubscription is taking place.

Thanks to Jonathan Lewis for explaining how to get the buffer header addresses.
Thanks to Abel Macias for brainstorming.

The previous blogpost talked about a simple insert, this blogpost investigates what happens when the DML is committed. Of course this is done with regular commit settings, which means means they are not touched, which means commit_logging is set to immediate and commit_wait is set to wait as far as I know. The documentation says there is no default value, and the settings are empty in all parameter views. In my humble opinion, if you must change the commit settings in order to make your application perform usable with the database, something is severely wrong somewhere.

This blogpost works best if you thoroughly gone through the previous post. I admit it’s a bit dry and theoretical, but you will appreciate the knowledge which you gained there, because it directly applies to a commit.

First let’s look at the flow of functions for the commit:

  - kcscu8
  - kcscu8
  - kcscu8

Please mind this is an overview of functions which is not complete, it provides enough information to show the flow of functions I want to highlight. There are much more functions involved during the execution of commit.

The first thing that is visible here is that after the kpoal8/opiexe/kksExecuteCommand (kernel compile shared objects Execute Command) function are xct (transaction control) functions. Of course this is logical, a commit ends a transaction and makes changes visible. The xct layer then moves into the k2 layer, which is the distributed execution layer. I am not doing anything distributed, it is my current understanding that this layer is invoked this way so that if anything distributed was pending, it would be handled appropriately. After the k2 layer the function ktdcmt (kernel transaction distributed commit) is executed.

After the distributed layers we enter the ktc layer (kernel transaction control). In ktcCommitTXN_new I see handling of features like the result cache (qesrc) and In-Memory (ktuIM), then the ktu layer (kernel transaction undo) is entered, which enters the kcb layer (kernel cache buffers) using functions we saw in the previous post: kcbchg1 and kcbchg1_main.

In fact, at this point it looks very similar to the insert, in kcbchg1_main, ktiimu_chg and kcopcv (prepare change vectors) are called, but only once (because a commit only involves one block, see a little further for the explanation) instead of three times as we saw with the insert. Then kcrfw_redo_gen_ext is called, which is doing almost the same as the insert: first kcrfw_copy_cv is executed to copy the change vector to the public redo strand, then kcbapl is called to apply the change to a buffer. The kco_issue_callback function calls kturcm (kernel transaction undo redo commit) indicating the type change to the buffer. This means that a commit changes a single buffer, which is the buffer that holds the transaction in the transaction table in the undo segment, and the change is marking the transaction as committed. So a ‘commit marker’ is not a special token that is written into the redo stream, but in fact it’s simply a block change, just like all other change vectors.

After kcbapl, kcrfw_partial_checksum is called to checksum the redo in the public redo strand, again just like we saw with the insert.

Unique to a commit is the invocation of the kcrf_commit_force_int function. This is the first ‘use’ of the kcrf_commit_force_int function (indicated by the second function argument set to zero, not visible in the overview), which is signalling the logwriter to write any unwritten change vectors in the public redo strands. kcrf_commit_force_int checks the on disk SCN and the LWN SCN using kcscu8 (kernel cache scn management read current SCN) in the kcrfsg_ struct to check logwriter progress:
– If the on disk SCN is beyond the process’ commit SCN, the change vectors are written, and no further action is necessary (this function is quit), which also means a second invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int is not necessary.
– If the on disk SCN isn’t progressed beyond the process’ commit SCN, but the LWN SCN is, it means the logwriter is currently writing the change vectors for this commit SCN. In that case there is no need to signal the logwriter, but it requires the process to validate the write later using the second invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int.
– If both the on disk SCN and LWN SCN did not progress beyond or are equal to the process’ commit SCN, this invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int needs to send the logwriter a message using ksbasend (kernel service background processes asynchronous send message) to start writing the public redo strands. ksbasend will only send a message if the messages flag in the kcrfsg_ struct is not set indicating it has already been signalled.
After which the kcrf_commit_force_int function is returned from, as well as the kcrfw_redo_gen_ext function, so we are back in kcbchg1_main.

Also different from an insert is the invocation of the ktuulc (kernel transaction undo unlock; this is a guess) function. Which calls ksqrcl (kernel service enqueue release an enqueue), which calls ksqrcli_int (my guess this (=the addition of _int) is an enhanced version of the enqueue release function), which performs the clearance of the TX enqueue set for the inserted row. This clearance is not a guess, ksqrcli_int does clear the TX enqueue for the inserted row. After clearing the row lock, some more functions returned from: kcbchg1_main and kcbchg1, so we are back in ktucmt.

Because the transaction is now committed, the active transaction count in the undo segment can be decreased, which is done in ktudnx (kernel transaction undo decrease active transaction count). Then the ktucmt function is returned from too, and we are back in ktcCommitTxn_new.

In ktcCommitTxn_new state objects are cleaned up using kssdct (kernel service state object delete children of specified type). A state object is a memory area that keeps the state of various things that are transient, so if they get lost, the state object reflects the last known state. The callback action of the function performs some more housekeeping, the ktldbl (kernel transaction list blocks changed delete list of block SO’s) function removes block SO’s/buffer handles, which calls kcbnlc (kernel cache buffers analyse cleanout), which calls ktbdbc (kernel transaction block fast block cleanout) to perform delayed block cleanout/commit cleanout. This cleans up the state in the data block, which means it cleans up the lock bytes, set Fsc/Scn to the commit SCN and set the commit flag to C— in the ITL in the block.

The next state object that is cleaned is the shared table lock (TM); by looking at the functions it’s quite easy to understand that this is happening, ksqrcl is the function to release and enqueue, and ktaidm is kernel transaction access internal deallocate dml lock function.

Past releasing the TM enqueue, there are other things done for which I didn’t put their function names in, but the execution is returning from a lot of the other functions shown as calling functions. Of course Oracle needs to update all kind of counters and usage statistics, and record audit information. But eventually, everything has been released. However, there is something more that is executed as part of a commit. This is the second invocation of the kcrf_commit_force_int function.

Actually, when kcrf_commit_force_int is executed for the second ‘use’, this is visible with the second argument of the calling arguments is set to ‘1’ (not visible in the function call overview above). The functions that are executed in kcrf_commit_force_int are actually exactly the same as the first invocation:
– kcscu8 is called to read the on disk SCN from kcrfsg_
– kcscu8 is called to read the LWN SCN from kcrfsg_
Also the same logic is applied to the values that are the result of calling kcscu8 to read the SCN values as stated previously. If these SCNs did not progress far enough, ksbasend is called.

The interesting thing of the second execution of kcrf_commit_force_int happens after ksbasend: the kcrf_commit_force_int function loops until the on disk SCN has progressed beyond the process’ commit SCN (which means the change vectors are written from the public redo strands into the online redologfiles). To indicate it’s waiting/looping for the on disk SCN to progress that far, the wait interface is called (kslwtbctx) for the wait ‘log file sync’, after which it loops, for which I put a hyphen before the start of the loop to indicate what to loop consists of.

I illustrated the post/wait mode of log file sync, which is visible with ‘kslawe’ (kernel service lock management add post-wait entry). The post-wait entry is removed inside kslwaitctx, and then setup again. Interestingly, when in post-wait mode, the process must be posted by the logwriter, even if it finds the on disk SCN to have progressed beyond the process’ commit SCN. The other mode for waiting for the on disk SCN is called ‘polling’, search my blog for articles about it if this sparked your interest.

The intention of this blogpost is not to bury you in Oracle internal functions, despite the look of the article and the amount of functions mentioned :-). The aim for spelling out the functions is to show what happens, and to learn about the layers in which they execute.

If you skip past the first couple of functions that are executed with a commit, the ktc (kernel transaction control) layer is crossed, then the ktu (kernel transaction undo) layer, after which the change is executed under supervision of the kcb (kernel cache buffer) layer.

In fact, the rough outline of the change is the same as described in the previous article about insert: kcbchg1, kcbchg1_main, kcopcv, kcrfw_redo_gen_ext, etc. Just like with the insert, the function called in the function kco_issue_callback sets the type of block change, which is kturcm with commit.

A commit is a change to the block that holds the undo segment’s transaction table, and flags the current transaction as committed. This is what is commonly referred to as a ‘commit marker’.

After the kturcm function, the transaction is changed to the status committed. However, if you look closely, there are several functions executed AFTER kturcm, like kco_blkchk, kcoadv_hdr and kcbhfix_tail that complete the change made in kturcm in order to make the block consistent.

After block changes and the change vector checksum in kcrfw_partial_checksum, a function unique to commit is executed: kcrf_commit_force_int. The first time invocation of this function signals the logwriter to write.

At the time of kcrf_commit_force_int and returning from it into the function kcrfw_redo_gen_ext back to kcbchg1_main, the newly inserted value is not available, but when the execution in the kcbchg1_main function reaches ktuulc to clean up the TX enqueue, the the NEW value becomes available!

This is something which I still do find counter intuitive, because this means at the above mentioned time, which is prior to reaching ktuulc the change becomes visible to all sessions but the committing session. The committing session at that point needs to clean up the block a little, and later on remove the shared TM enqueue, and after that, the committing session executes kcrf_commit_force_int again to wait for the ‘commit marker’ and obviously all successive change vectors to complete. WHILE ALL OTHER SESSIONS CAN SEE AND USE THE CHANGED DATA FOR WHICH THE COMMITTING SESSION IS WAITING!

This blogpost looks at the very start of oracle redo: the generation of it. In order to do that, I start off with a very simple table, and look at the redo generation part. I guess the regular readers of this blogpost series understand that redo generation is closely connected with making changes made to blocks. This post therefore is not only about redo generation, but also about how the technical implementation of block changes.

I created a simple table (create table test (f1 varchar2(10)) with no index to make the execution as simple as possible, and simply insert rows (insert into test values (‘a’)). It could be argued that not having an index makes it not the most real life scenario, and this might be right. However, the goal here is to make the execution as simple as possible.

I then looked at the execution of the SQL, and created an overview of the relevant functions that are executed in my session:


How to read this: I started looking at the functions that are executed when an insert statement is executed at the ‘insexe’ function, which is the main insert function. An indention means it is called from the previous less indented function.

The insertion code calls query execute rowsource load table conventional functions (qerltc). Conventional here means that it’s not a direct insertion. The qerltcStart function essentially initialises memory which is needed to perform the execution of the insert statement.

After the rowsource layer, the data layer is entered using the kdtSimpleInsRow. The first thing that needs to be done here is to find space in a block in which the row can be inserted. Finding a block is done in the kdtgrs function (kernel data table get space for rows). Once a block is found, the code inserts the row using the kdtwrp function (kernel data table write row piece). Via the kdtchg function (kernel data table change) function, the transaction layer is entered.

The transaction layer function that are then used are ktbchg2 (kernel transaction block (header) change) and ktuchg2 (kernel transaction undo called from write logs and perform changes), after which the transaction is initialised in ktcbgn (kernel transaction control begin) next is ktubnd (kernel transaction undo bind undo segment. Inside ktubnd not only the undo segment is selected (‘bound’), but the transaction enqueue lock is set too (ksqgtlctx), which locks the row logically. Further down below you will see Oracle also needs to provide a physical way of locking access when it makes changes to prevent from wrong data being read.

Then we enter the cache layer via the kcbchg1 function (kernel cache buffers change). The cache layer is the actual layer that executes functions to change the block. The actual main function which performs block layer functions is kcbchg1_main.

In order for Oracle’s recovery mechanism to work, the redo must be generated before the block change, so a block can be recovered using the redo. Therefore, kcrfw_redo_gen_ext (kernel cache redo file write/broadcast SCN main redo generation function (12c)) is called. Inside kcrfw_redo_gen_ext, the redo change vectors are copied into the public redo strand using the kcrfw_copy_cv function (kernel cache redo file write/broadcast SCN copy change vectors), after which the changes to the block in the cache are done using the kcbapl (kernel cache buffers apply).

There are three kcbapl executions; the first one applies the change to the undo header where the transaction is assigned a slot which points to the actual undo data inside the undo segment, visible inside the kco_issue_callback function kturdh (kernel transaction undo write undo header data to undo block), the second one applies the change to the undo block with the previous version of the data, so a change be undone and read consistency can be provided. This is also visible inside the kco_issue_callback function: kturdb (kernel transaction undo write undo data to undo block), and the second invocation of kcbapl has the function kdoirp (kernel data operations insert row piece), which performs the actual change of the block to insert the row.

If you look closely at the functions inside kcbapl, you see that a check is done to the buffer prior the the change (kcbhlchk, kernel cache buffers header logical check), and after the change the block metadata is changed to reflect the change (kcoadv_hdr, kernel cache operations advance SCN in buffer header and kcbhfix_tail, kernel cache buffers header update tail).

After the change, a checksum is applied to the generated redo using kcrfw_partial_checksum.

This concludes the insert. A row lock is obtained, the redo change vectors have been copied into the public redo strand, and the changes have been applied to the undo and table blocks.

The functions return, and execution is back at the query execute rowsource layer (qer), which performs some post processing using qerltcPostInsertProcessing, qerltcSetupOerdef and qerltcFreeMemory.

A question that I asked myself is where the actual redo change vectors are created. It’s known that kcrfw_copy_cv copies the change vectors into the public redo strand, but these need to created before you can copy them. Are these created on the spot in kcrfw_copy_cv? Probably not. Of course this dives so deep into the actual working of the Oracle engine that Oracle does not reveal anything about it (that I am aware of).

Luckily, using the Intel Pin tools trace we can see memory access, and therefore we can track the memory area’s that a process is using, and see where (in which function) memory is written to before it is written into the public redo strand. First let’s look the kcrfw_copy_cv function:

40630:__intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+8727:0x00000000d80cbe54(Redo Buffers(pgsz:2048k)|+835156 redo|PUB_REDO_0+835156 ):W:16:0x5223030ffff10100542b760/-263813982931104()
40633:__intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+8742:0x00000000d80cbe64(Redo Buffers(pgsz:2048k)|+835172 redo|PUB_REDO_0+835172 ):W:16:0x000010ffff00000000/4785070309113856()
40634:__intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+8747:0x00000000d80cbe68(Redo Buffers(pgsz:2048k)|+835176 redo|PUB_REDO_0+835176 ):W:16:0x10ffff0000000040200/-4503599627107840()

What this shows, is the kcrfw_copy_cv function calling _intel_fast_memcpy. The _intel_fast_memcpy is using a specialised memcpy function, __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy, which uses a processor extension called ‘ssse3’. At line numbers 40629, 40631 and 40632 16 bytes are read and at 40630, 40633 and 40634 the reads are written into the public redo strand.

In order to understand where the data in these 16 bytes memory addresses has been written, I use an extension to my pinatrace annotate oracle script that creates a sqlite database of the annotation results using the ‘-d’ switch.

In order to see where the contents of the memory address 0x00007ffcd2011678 have been written, fire up sqlite3 with the created database:

$ sqlite3 insert.txt.db
sqlite> select * from annotation where memory_address between printf('%d',0x00007ffcd2011678) and printf('%d',0x00007ffcd2011678)+15 and line < 40629;
17393|kglpin+13|140723831772792|??|W|8|1810933992|Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+183544040 shared pool|KGLH0^d0901451 DS:free memory,duration 1,cls free+96 shared pool|KGLH0^d0901451,duration 1,cls recr+2792
18697|kglpin+1993|140723831772792|??|R|8|1810933992|Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+183544040 shared pool|KGLH0^d0901451 DS:free memory,duration 1,cls free+96 shared pool|KGLH0^d0901451,duration 1,cls recr+2792

The query is simple: look up all records which were generated before line 40629, which did access the memory region that is read for copying into the public redo strand.

This is the complete output, please be aware that the high memory addresses are PGA memory addresses. PGA memory is highly fluent in nature. If you look in memory access traces you see that nearly every layer that is used during execution of SQL and PL/SQL requires allocation of memory area’s to store information. In fact, it’s so fluent that some memory area’s can be reused during repetitions in execution within the same statement.

The “__intel_memset’ functions are functions that set a memory area to a certain value, in this case zero. This might be an initialisation of memory. In order to be sure, lookup the lines (30665/31116), and see from what function they were called:

30621:kdtgrs+244:0x000000006c20fb98(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+186710936 shared pool|PLMCD^6daf6103 DS:permanent memor,duration 4,cls perm+2472 shared pool|PLMCD^6daf6103,duration 4,cls freeabl+2512 ):R:1:0x8/8
30622:kdtgrs+250:0x000000006c20fba4(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+186710948 shared pool|PLMCD^6daf6103 DS:permanent memor,duration 4,cls perm+2484 shared pool|PLMCD^6daf6103,duration 4,cls freeabl+2524 ):R:1:0x80/

It’s called from kdtgrs. And by looking at the long list of memset commands, this clearly is initialisation of memory. This means that any allocation before the memset is something completely different. This means these functions did provide the redo information:


The ktuchg2 function hints at undo, and the kcopcv function is a function that seems to examine the block and create redo information based on the block. The ub8_to_kscn_impl is a function for the conversion of SCN numbers.

Let’s take the next memory region, and see what functions manipulated region:


A little more of the same, ktuchg2/kcopcv/ub8_to_kscn_imp, although in another order.
And the third memory region:


More of the same, although another function was added ‘kcobrh’. I am not familiar with this function, although my suspicion is this is a function to generate a header. Of course these 3 regions were copied using the same call.

The next memcpy call copies two 16 byte regions:

40645:__intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+9249:0x00000000d80cbe88(Redo Buffers(pgsz:2048k)|+835208 redo|PUB_REDO_0+835208 ):W:16:0x120880000000000000/612489549322387456()
40647:__intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+9258:0x00000000d80cbe78(Redo Buffers(pgsz:2048k)|+835192 redo|PUB_REDO_0+835192 ):W:16:0x100069600e810008a1c0/7593084918960792000()

(lines 40644 and 40646)
Which memory is written to by different functions. In fact, these were the functions that I suspected to generate the redo information:


One write of ktuchg2 and then ktugur (kernel transaction undo generate undo and redo).

I gone through all of the memory area’s that are written to the public redo strand, and found the functions in which redo is generated:
– ktuchg2
– kcopcv
– kcobrh
– ktugur
Other functions that I have found in other regions of memory:
– kdtwrp
– kcosze
– ktugul

There is one other thing I found that I didn’t suspect. During the investigation I used a debugger to stop on certain functions (in fact, that is how I gotten the list of functions at the start of this article) during the insert. When doing that, I tried querying the table in order to see what happened visibly to the table at which I performed the insert while it was happening.

I found that the kcbchg1_main function performs cache buffers chains latch gets without calling kslgetl/ksl_get_shared_latch(_int). This has been documented on a few places, it is using a macro to perform the latch get. However, when stopping (by means of breaking execution using a debugger), I found that my other session simply executing a ‘select’ query hung on the latch.

Also, after the cache buffers chain latch get, the block is getting modified. That’s obvious of course, we are doing an insert. However, during the entire time between kcopcv up to the two kcbapl functions, the block is not accessible for any querying, and keeps any other query waiting in the wait event ‘buffer busy wait’. This is a direct violation of the mantra that writers don’t block readers.

Now, before you jump to conclusions, please bare with me a little more. Is this a problem? No, this is the direct consequence of concurrency control, which, in a shared system, always must happen. Certain things can only be done one at a time. In fact, that is the whole purpose of a latch.

However, I do want to make you think about it. These concurrency control waits simply must happen in order not to disturb changes being made to a block, or read an inconsistent version of a block. And this probably in much the same way has been for a long time this way in Oracle, and it has not a problem. Generally. Where this does become a problem, is when you have your processes randomly sleep for longer periods of time. Because of your inserting process is stalling during executing the kcrfw_redo_gen_ext function, other processes will get a buffer busy wait.

So when does this happen? Why am I saying this? Well, these random waits of processes is something that actually happens when your system is overloaded on CPU, or when your system is actively swapping. Now think about this in a broader sense. Whenever you run virtualised, and you do not have strict policies enforced on CPU and memory allocation, and especially if there is oversubscription of CPU and/or memory, these random waits can be applied by the hypervisor. So, never -ever- let your database server run short on CPU or memory, because the database will start showing a very peculiar waits, which could put you on your wrong foot very easily.

I actually tried putting in three distinct messages in this blogpost. The first one is to show how a change (an insert) is done internally. This shows that Oracle is build up in layers, and a lot of these layers are crossed even when you do the simplest of things, like inserting a single row in a table. Yes, this is not simple or even plain confusing. That’s not something I can change. However, I do think that this information is crucial in order to understand how the database works, and thus how to troubleshoot issues and understand what happens.

When a change is made to a block, first the redo is generated, then the undo is written, and then a row is inserted into the data block.

The second message is research on where the redo change vectors are generated. This is background information that will not help with anything concrete, it’s just background information for improving understanding how Oracle works. The research shows that redo is generated in a couple of functions:
– ktuchg2
– kcopcv
– kcobrh
– ktugur
– kdtwrp
– kcosze
– ktugul

At certain points, Oracle serialises access to blocks in order to make sure changes are not disturbed, and other processes do not read an inconsistent version of a block. This is technical locking, not the logical transaction locking that Oracle provides using enqueues. This is the third piece of information that I put in this article. This is directly usable and concrete information, and this is crucial, especially in today’s world of using virtualisation on premises or in the cloud.

If processes get stuck during these times of serialisation, all kinds of waits become visible, which might look like other problems; my first thought with buffer busy waits is a block being read into the buffer cache from disk or being written from the buffer cache onto disk, not being modified in the cache. In fact, if you start inserting into a freshly truncated table, I found I could get TX lock waits while doing a select. Again: this is not obvious.

So the last paragraph warns to make absolutely sure your database server is not oversubscribed on any resource, especially CPU and memory, because it can show itself in unpredictable ways, making it harder to diagnose, and thus to solve.

This is the seventh part of a blog series about oracle redo.

Adaptive log file sync is a feature that probably came with Oracle version 11.2. Probably means I looked at the undocumented parameters of Oracle version 11.1 and do not see any of the ‘_adaptive_log_file_sync*’ parameters. It was actually turned off by default with versions and, and was turned on by default since version

The adaptive log file sync feature means the logwriter can make the committing sessions switch from the traditional post/wait mechanism for redo write notification to a mechanism where the committing session picks a time to sleep after which it checks for the redo writing progress itself. The reasons for doing so that I can see are reducing the amount of work the logwriter needs to do, because semop’ing a semaphore can only be done serially, and prevent the logwriter process from the situation of getting scheduled off CPU because the processes it’s activating via semop are getting higher priorities than the logwriter.

An important thing to realise is that the adaptive log file sync mechanism only potentially can change a single communication event in the database, which is when a session needs to wait for its redo to be written to disk by the logwriter after a commit. Nothing else is changed and all other post/wait inter-process communication is done exactly the same.

Is this feature a good idea? In part 6 of my Oracle redo series I have shown that a process is checking the on-disk SCN even if the log file sync method is post/wait, but it needs to be posted before it will continue. I have seen cases where huge numbers of foreground processes were doing lots of commits per second, especially in these cases I can see how the logwriter can greatly benefit from not having to do a lot of semop calls after writing, and thus not spend its time on what the logwriter actually should be doing, which is writing. I have not seen any great benefits in databases where there’s a low redo writing and commit rate.

But how does this feature work? In order to investigate that I first executed a pinatrace on a sysdba session and executed:

SQL> alter system set "_use_adaptive_log_file_sync" = false scope = memory;

Then used my pinatrace annotate script to annotate the pinatrace output, and simply grepped for ‘kcrf’; I highly suspect the adaptive log file sync feature to be a ‘kernel cache redo file’ (kcrf) based feature:

$ grep kcrf pinatrace_17029_ann.txt
11555:kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+100:0x0000000060016a34(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92724 fixed sga|var:kcrf_sync_sleep_usecs_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49636 ):R:4:0/0()
11556:kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+161:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):W:4:0/0()
11557:kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+202:0x0000000060016a40(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92736 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+8 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49648 ):W:4:0/0()
77244:kzam_check_limit+342:0x0000000060016398(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+91032 fixed sga|var:kcrfsg_+368 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+47944 ):R:4:0xd3/211()

If the feature is set/changed (the database was in adaptive log file sync mode, because “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” was not set), it must write in a shared memory location for the other processes to be able to see the setting. That means two things: 1) any non-shared memory location can not be relevant to the setting, so we can exclude these 2) in order to change something, there needs to be a WRITE to set it.

To make the investigation easier to do, I added an option to the annotate script to write the pinatrace_annotate output to a sqlite3 database. In order to do this, use the ‘-d’ (database) switch to the script.

First we need to know the max SGA address of the instance, this can be found in the memory_ranges.db sqlite database, which is created when the memory details are prepared using ‘./ -c’:

$ sqlite3 memory_ranges.db
SQLite version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select printf('%x',max(end_address)) from memory_ranges;

(please mind you need an sqlite3 version higher than 3.7 (which comes with Oracle Linux) to use printf. I downloaded the latest version from

Okay so anything higher than 0xe0000000 is not in the SGA. Now use the database that was created using the ‘-d’ switch when I annotated the pinatrace output of ‘alter system set “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” = false scope = memory’:

$ sqlite3 pinatrace_17029.txt.db
SQLite version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select line, function_offset, printf('%x',memory_address), memory_annotation, read_write, size, value, value_annotation from annotation where memory_annotation like '%kcrf%' and memory_address <= printf('%d',0xe0000000) and read_write = 'W';
11556|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+161|60016a38|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 |W|4|0|??
11557|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+202|60016a40|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92736 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+8 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49648 |W|4|0|??

This means that when I execute the alter system command, something is written into the fixed SGA, into a variable called ‘kcrf_alfs_info_’. I am pretty sure ‘alfs’ means adaptive log file sync here (and not many occasions of Gordon Shumway). There is a zero written in a 4 byte memory location at kcrf_alfs_info_+0, and there’s a zero written at kcrf_alfs_info_+8.

Now let’s repeat this, but with the pinatrace output when executing ‘alter system set “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” = true scope = memory’:

$ sqlite3 pinatrace_8204.txt.db
SQLite version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select line, function_offset, printf('%x',memory_address), memory_annotation, read_write, size, value, value_annotation from annotation where memory_annotation like '%kcrf%' and memory_address <= printf('%d',0xe0000000) and read_write = 'W';
82476|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+161|60016a38|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 |W|4|1|??
82477|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+202|60016a40|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92736 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+8 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49648 |W|4|0|??

Here the same thing is happening as previously, when it was set to false, with the difference that at kcrf_alfs_info_+0, there is a one written.

Now let’s repeat this again, but with the pinatrace output when executing ‘”_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” = polling_only scope = memory’. This the third value that is allowed for “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync”. In case you are wondering how I knew about this being an allowed parameter value, there’s a script in Tanel Poder’s script bundle that can list them, called pvalid.sql:

SQL> @pvalid adaptive_log_file_sync
Display valid values for multioption parameters matching "adaptive_log_file_sync"...
new  11:   LOWER(NAME_KSPVLD_VALUES) LIKE LOWER('%adaptive_log_file_sync%')

  PAR# PARAMETER                                                 ORD VALUE                          DEFAULT
------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------
  1840 _use_adaptive_log_file_sync                                 1 TRUE                           DEFAULT
       _use_adaptive_log_file_sync                                 2 FALSE
       _use_adaptive_log_file_sync                                 3 POLLING_ONLY

Here is the memory trace of setting “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” to polling only:

$ sqlite3 pinatrace_25469.txt.db
SQLite version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select line, function_offset, printf('%x',memory_address), memory_annotation, read_write, size, value, value_annotation from annotation where memory_annotation like '%kcrf%' and memory_address <= printf('%d',0xe0000000) and read_write = 'W';
94687|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+161|60016a38|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 |W|4|1|??
94688|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+175|60016a40|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92736 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+8 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49648 |W|4|1|??
94689|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+185|60016a78|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92792 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+64 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49704 |W|4|0|??
94690|kcrf_sync_adaptive_set+191|60016a7c|Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92796 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+68 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49708 |W|4|0|??

That’s interesting! Now the values set at offsets 0 and 8 are both one, and there are two additional offsets written to, 64 and 68, to which a zero is written.

It is my interpretation that zero at kcrf_alfs_info_+0 means the adaptive log file sync feature is turned off. In a database starting from version or higher, this can only be the case if the parameter “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” has been explicitly set to false.

This is a foreground session in a database that where I have set “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync” to false, and performed an insert and commit:

$ grep kcrf_alfs_info_\+[08] insert_ann.txt
72891:kcrf_commit_force_int+268:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0/0()
81847:kcrf_commit_force_int+268:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0/0()
81929:kcrf_commit_force_int+602:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0/0()
81998:kcrf_commit_force_int+1503:0x0000000060016a90(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92816 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+88 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49728 ):R:4:0x3e8/1000()

And this is a foreground session in a database where I removed the parameter “_use_adaptive_log_file_sync”, which means the parameter defaults to true, and executed an insert and commit:

$ grep kcrf_alfs_info_\+[08] pinatrace_2444_ann.txt
71189:kcrf_commit_force_int+268:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0x1/1()
80148:kcrf_commit_force_int+268:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0x1/1()
80230:kcrf_commit_force_int+602:0x0000000060016a38(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92728 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+0 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49640 ):R:4:0x1/1()
80231:kcrf_commit_force_int+615:0x0000000060016a40(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92736 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+8 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49648 ):R:4:0/0()
80254:kcrf_commit_force_int+844:0x0000000060016a90(Fixed Size(pgsz:2048k)|+92816 fixed sga|var:kcrf_alfs_info_+88 shared pool|(indx:0)X$KSXRSG+49728 ):R:4:0x550/1360()

As you can see at row 80230 of the memory trace, the kcrf_commit_force_int function reads kcrf_alfs_info_+0 and finds a one, indicating the adaptive log file sync feature is turned on, and as a result needs to find out if it’s set to post/wait or polling, which is done by looking at kcrf_alfs_info_+8 (row 80231), and finds a zero. The kcrf_commit_force_int execution here is the second stage of the invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int, which is with 1 as second argument, which is when the function performs a wait for the logwriter to write its redo. One way of detecting this usage of kcrf_commit_force_int is by looking at the functions lead to this invocation of kcrf_commit_force_int (ksupop, kcbdsy), because in the pinatrace the function arguments are not visible.

The zero for kcrf_alfs_info_+8 probably means that the adaptive feature still uses post/wait to wait for the logwriter, which is reasonably easy to verify by looking if we see the functions that are associated with the post/wait interface, of which the a few obvious ones are kslawe for setting up the post/wait entry, and another one is a kslgetl/kslfre combination that obtains and frees the ‘post/wait queue’ latch:

79629:kslawe+381:0x0000000060006a60(fixed sga|var:kslpwqs_+0 ):R:8:0x6dd76db0/1842834864(Variable Size(pgsz:2048k)|+219639216 shared pool|(child)latch#1:post/wait queue+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+1322416 )
79630:kslawe+388:0x00007ffcb79aecf0():W:8:0x6dd851b0/1842893232(shared pool|(child)latch#305:post/wait queue+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+1380784 )
79638:kslgetl+44:0x00007f3038241e78(??):R:8:0x6dde6f10/1843293968(shared pool|(indx:71)X$KSUPR+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+1781520 )
79641:kslgetl+69:0x000000006dd851bf(shared pool|(child)latch#305:post/wait queue+15 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+1380799 ):R:1:0x37/55()
79642:kslgetl+80:0x000000006dde7268(shared pool|(indx:71)X$KSUPR.KSLLALAQ+0 shared pool|permanent memor,duration 1,cls perm+1782376 ):R:8:0/0()

Above we see the a snippet of part of the kslawe function reading the start address of the child latches from the fixed SGA variable kslpwqs_, then kslgetl is called for post/wait queue child latch number 305.

From the previous article we know that a committing session checks the on disk SCN in the kcrfsg_ struct in order to understand if the redo that it put into the public redo strand has been written or not. If the logwriter did not increase the on disk SCN beyond or equal to the commit SCN yet, the committing session loops executing the following functions:
– kslawe: registering itself in the post-wait queue
– kcscu8: check on disk SCN
– kslwaitctx: main waiting routine, semtimedop: wait to be posted for 100ms
– (if not posted) ksliwat_cleanup: remove post-wait entry
– (if not posted) kcscu8: check on disk SCN

Of course when the instance is in adaptive log file sync mode (which any normal database should be nowadays!), it chooses between post-wait and polling, and when post-wait is chosen, the above function sequence is valid, this is independent of being dedicated in post-wait mode or being in post-wait mode because the adaptive log file sync mechanism chose it.

How does this look like when the database in polling mode?
– kcscu8: check on disk SCN
– sltrusleep, nanosleep: wait for a certain amount of time

Yet, it is that simple: all it does is verify the on disk SCN and if it has not progressed equal to or beyond the session’s commit SCN, it sleeps in nanosleep.

The time sleeping in nanosleep as far as I seen, has changed: prior to Oracle version 12.2, the time was calculated dynamically, probably directly or indirectly from the IO time of the logwriter. As far as I can see, in version 12.2 the sleeping time changed to sleeping 1000ns. This sleeping time was the topic of my previous article because a 1000ns/1us sleep seems to be lesser than linux can sleep.

This is the sixth part in a blog series about Oracle database redo. The previous posts provided information about the log writer writing, this post is about the process that is waiting after issuing commit for the log writer to write it’s redo from the public redo strand. When the database is using post/wait for process commits, the committing process follows the following (simplified) procedure:

 kcsgbsn8: kcsnew8: commit SCN is fetched from kcsgscn_
 kslgetl: redo copy latch is taken
 kslgetl: redo allocation latch is taken
 : allocation annotations are made for the commit record in kcrfsg_ and KCRFA
 kslfre: redo allocation latch is freed
 kcrfw_copy_cv : commit record is copied into a public redo strand.
 kslfre: redo copy latch is freed
 kcrfw_commit_force_int: second argument 0: post logwriter if not already posted

These are the actual function calls inside kcrf_commit_force_int with second argument 0:

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kcrf_commit_force_int(0x7fffbea0de50, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016290, 0x7fffbea0dc78, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016260, 0x7fffbea0dbc0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksbasend(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksbpro(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksbpro+0x000000000063 returns: 0x7a6032e8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksbpser(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksbpser+0x000000000046 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksberr(0x600161a0, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksberr+0x000000000045 returns: 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksasnd(0x7a6032e8, 0x1, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksasndint(0x7a6032e8, 0x1, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksaamb(0x7a63a0b8, 0x7a5d9fe0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kslgetl(0x6003ef40, 0x1, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > _intel_fast_memcpy(0x7af99780, 0x7fffbea0dba8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> _intel_fast_memcpy.P(0x7af99780, 0x7fffbea0dba8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy(0x7af99780, 0x7fffbea0dba8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+0x000000002030 returns: 0x7af99780
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > kslfre(0x6003ef40, 0x60009578, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksaamb+0x0000000001ed returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksasndint+0x000000000120 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksl_post_proc(0x7a6032e8, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> kskpthr(0x7a6032e8, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> kslpsprns(0x7a6032e8, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > ksl_update_post_stats(0x7a6032e8, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtTrcData_int(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x2050031, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtBucketRedirect(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x7fffbea0d618, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtBucketRedirect+0x000000000050 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtIncInMemTrcRedirect(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x6fa, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtIncInMemTrcRedirect+0x000000000035 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > skgstmGetEpochTs(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x6fa, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > gettimeofday@plt(0x7fffbea0d120, 0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < __vdso_gettimeofday+0x0000000000fe returns: 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < skgstmGetEpochTs+0x000000000049 returns: 0x203895d2b55e6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtrRecAllocate(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x7fffbea0d5c0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtrPrepareWrite(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x711f5048, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtrPrepareWrite+0x00000000011c returns: 0x1c
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtrRecAllocate+0x000000000144 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > _intel_fast_memcpy(0x711f6ac0, 0x7fffbea0d6b8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> _intel_fast_memcpy.P(0x711f6ac0, 0x7fffbea0d6b8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy(0x711f6ac0, 0x7fffbea0d6b8, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < __intel_ssse3_rep_memcpy+0x000000002798 returns: 0x711f6ac0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > dbgtrRecEndSegment(0x7f5b0ca886c0, 0x7fffbea0d5c0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtrRecEndSegment+0x00000000011c returns: 0x77c000a4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < dbgtTrcData_int+0x000000000323 returns: 0x77c000a4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksl_update_post_stats+0x00000000024f returns: 0x77c000a4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > skgpwpost(0x7fffbea0d760, 0x7f5b0cacdca0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <> sskgpwpost(0x7fffbea0d760, 0x7f5b0cacdca0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > semop@plt(0x38000, 0x7fffbea0d6f0, ...)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < semop+0x00000000000f returns: 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < sskgpwpost+0x00000000009a returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kslpsprns+0x0000000001c3 returns: 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksasnd+0x00000000006d returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < ksbasend+0x0000000000f6 returns: 0x1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < kcrf_commit_force_int+0x000000000500 returns: 0

Basically, what happens is that kcscu8 is called to read 0x60016290 (kcrfsg_.on disk SCN) and kcscu8 is called to read 0x60016260 (kcrfsg_.LWN SCN). Then ksbasend (kernel service background processes asynchronous send message) is called, which essentially performs two functions in ksasnd: write a message in the messages struct (protected by the messages latch) in ksaamb (kernel service asynchronousm messages allocated message buffer) and then post the logwriter using post/wait (ksl_post_proc, actual posting using semop is done in skgpwpost; system kernel generic post wait post).
This also directly ends/returns from the kcrfw_redo_gen_ext function that called kcrf_commit_force_int.

At this point the commit was executed, and the logwriter is notified that it needs to write up to the commit record from the public redo strand.

The next thing the process do is release things like the enqueue(s) it’s holding. After that, the process will wait for the logwriter to execute the write and get posted via post/wait. This is also done in the kcrf_commit_force_int function, however now the second argument is set to ‘1’:

 | | | <> kcrf_commit_force_int(0x7f3011d75e10, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | > skgstmGetEpochTs(0x7f3011d75e10, 0x7, ...)
 | | | | | > gettimeofday@plt(0x7ffda5959810, 0, ...)
 | | | | | < __vdso_gettimeofday+0x0000000000fe returns: 0
 | | | | < skgstmGetEpochTs+0x000000000049 returns: 0x206daa374e6a1
 | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016290, 0x7ffda5959b88, ...)
 | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016260, 0x7ffda5959ad0, ...)
 | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
 | | | | > ksbasend(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
 | | | | | > ksbpro(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
 | | | | | < ksbpro+0x000000000063 returns: 0x7a6032e8
 | | | | | > ksbpser(0x600161a0, 0x60016908, ...)
 | | | | | < ksbpser+0x000000000046 returns: 0x1
 | | | | | > ksberr(0x600161a0, 0, ...)
 | | | | | < ksberr+0x000000000045 returns: 0
 | | | | | > ksasnd(0x7a6032e8, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | > ksasndint(0x7a6032e8, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | | > ksaamb(0x7a6085b8, 0x7a5d9fe0, ...)
 | | | | | | | < ksaamb+0x000000000504 returns: 0
 | | | | | | < ksasndint+0x000000000120 returns: 0x1
 | | | | | < ksasnd+0x00000000006d returns: 0x1

Actually exactly the same is happening here as we saw previously. The way the kcrf_commit_force_int function works is:
– It first reads the on disk SCN (0x60016290) via kcscu8. If the on disk SCN is equal or past the process’ commit SCN, it means the process’ redo is written to disk, and the kcrf_commit_force_int function is quit.
– If the on disk SCN is not progressed far enough, the LWN SCN (0x60016260) is read via kcscu8. If the LWN SCN progressed beyond or is equal to the commit SCN, it means the logwriter is in the progress of writing the process’ redo, so it does not need posting via ksbasend. If the logwriter has not progressed the LWN SCN that far, the process tries posting via ksbasend again.
– In the above function call trace we see ksaamb returning 0, which means it did try to post the logwriter again, but it found the logwriter already posted (by looking at kcrfsg_+516). As a result, it returned directly from the function without creating a message (and thus needing to fetch the messages latch and post the logwriter via semop).

At this point in kcrf_commit_force_int everything is done to make the logwriter write the process’ redo in the public redo strand, so it needs to wait for the logwriter to finish, and the instance is using post wait the notification mechanism for log file sync.

The next thing that happens is a post-wait entry in the post wait queue is setup, and the on disk SCN is checked once more:

 | | | | > kslawe(0x10380, 0x7a5d9fe0, ...)
 | | | | | > kslgetl(0x7a5d72c8, 0, ...)
 | | | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | | | > kslfre(0x7a5d72c8, 0x7a5d7368, ...)
 | | | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | | | < kslawe+0x00000000027d returns: 0
 | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016290, 0x7ffda5959b88, ...)
 | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1

Now that the process registered itself in the post-wait queue, a wait is registered via kslwtbctx:

 | | | | > kslwtbctx(0x7ffda5959950, 0x7ffda5959b88, ...)
 | | | | | > sltrgftime64(0x7a6d9580, 0x7ae18b68, ...)
 | | | | | | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7ffda5959700, ...)
 | | | | | | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7ffda5959700, ...)
 | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 | | | | | < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x428fc8dac9
 | | | | | > kslwait_timeout_centi_to_micro(0x7fffffff, 0x443dfe7, ...)
 | | | | | < kslwait_timeout_centi_to_micro+0x000000000021 returns: 0x7fffffffffffffff
 | | | | | > kskthbwt(0, 0x428fc8dac9, ...)
 | | | | | < kskthbwt+0x0000000000a1 returns: 0x10
 | | | | | > kslwt_start_snapshot(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | < kslwt_start_snapshot+0x0000000000dc returns: 0x7a6d9db8
 | | | | < kslwtbctx+0x00000000050b returns: 0x7a6d9db8

Now that the process is in the wait event, the process needs to truly ‘wait’. In post-wait mode this is done on a semaphore, just like the logwriter does when sleeping in the wait event ‘rdbms ipc message’. This is how that looks like:

 | | | | > kslwaitctx(0x7ffda5959950, 0xa, ...)
 | | | | | > ksliwat(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | > sltrgftime64(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7ffda5959280, ...)
 | | | | | | | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7ffda5959280, ...)
 | | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 | | | | | | < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x428fc8e664
 | | | | | | > kslawe(0x10380, 0x459ffef, ...)
 | | | | | | < kslawe+0x000000000076 returns: 0x10380
 | | | | | | > kskiorm(0x7ae0ee70, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kskiorm+0x00000000001e returns: 0
 | | | | | | > kfias_iswtgon_ksfd(0x7ae0ee70, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kfias_iswtgon_ksfd+0x00000000002b returns: 0
 | | | | | | > kxdbio_has_work(0x7ffda59592a4, 0x6003d010, ...)
 | | | | | | < kxdbio_has_work+0x000000000027 returns: 0
 | | | | | | > skgpwwait(0x7ffda5959510, 0x7f3011d45ca0, ...)
 | | | | | | | > kslwait_conv_wait_time(0x186a0, 0x7f3011d45ca0, ...)
 | | | | | | | < kslwait_conv_wait_time+0x000000000027 returns: 0x186a0
 | | | | | | | > sskgpwwait(0x7ffda5959510, 0x7f3011d45ca0, ...)
 | | | | | | | | > semtimedop(0x58000, 0x7ffda5959208, ...)
 | | | | | | | | < semtimedop+0x000000000023 returns: 0xffffffffffffffff
 | | | | | | | | > __errno_location(0x58000, 0x7ffda5959208, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | > fthread_self(0x58000, 0x7ffda5959208, ...)
 | | | | | | | | | < fthread_self+0x000000000024 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | | < __errno_location+0x000000000010 returns: 0x7f3011d406a0
 | | | | | | | < sskgpwwait+0x00000000014e returns: 0
 | | | | | | < skgpwwait+0x0000000000e0 returns: 0
 | | | | | | > ksuSdiInProgress(0x10003, 0x10003, ...)
 | | | | | | < ksuSdiInProgress+0x000000000035 returns: 0
 | | | | | | > sltrgftime64(0x10003, 0x10003, ...)
 | | | | | | | > clock_gettime@plt(0x1, 0x7ffda5959280, ...)
 | | | | | | | | > clock_gettime(0x1, 0x7ffda5959280, ...)
 | | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x000000000069 returns: 0
 | | | | | | | < clock_gettime+0x00000000003a returns: 0
 | | | | | | < sltrgftime64+0x00000000004c returns: 0x428fcad86e
 | | | | | | > kslwo_getcbk(0x9d, 0x80f6298, ...)
 | | | | | | < kslwo_getcbk+0x000000000017 returns: 0
 | | | | | | > kgslwait_last_waitctx_time_waited_usecs(0x7f3011d409a0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kgslwait_last_waitctx_time_waited_usecs+0x000000000045 returns: 0x1f20a
 | | | | | | > kslwt_update_stats_int(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | | > kews_update_wait_time(0x5, 0x1fda5, ...)
 | | | | | | | < kews_update_wait_time+0x00000000002e returns: 0x6
 | | | | | | < kslwt_update_stats_int+0x00000000033e returns: 0x428fcad86e
 | | | | | | > ksliwat_cleanup(0x7ffda5959650, 0x7ffda5959628, ...)
 | | | | | | | > kslgetl(0x7a5d72c8, 0x1, ...)
 | | | | | | | < kslgetl+0x00000000012f returns: 0x1
 | | | | | | | > kslfre(0x7a5d72c8, 0x7a5d7378, ...)
 | | | | | | | < kslfre+0x0000000001e2 returns: 0
 | | | | | | < ksliwat_cleanup+0x0000000000e5 returns: 0
 | | | | | < ksliwat+0x000000003acf returns: 0
 | | | | < kslwaitctx+0x00000000012b returns: 0

The most prominent thing is skgpwwait (system kernel generic post-wait wait), which calls sskgpwwait (skgpwwait with an additional s in front, which often are os dependent calls, like in this call, calling semtimedop). We see semtimedop returning 0xffffffffffffffff (-1), which means semaphore wait timed out, which means the semaphore was not posted using semop before the timeout set (100ms for log file sync) for the semaphore wait.

Interestingly, a little further down se see ksliwat_cleanup. This function clears this process from the post-wait queue, not only indicated by the ‘cleanup’ part in ksliwat_cleanup, but also by the latch get of 0x7a5d72c8, this is the ‘post/wait queue’ latch. This means that when the kslwaitctx function is left, this process is not in the post/wait queue anymore. However, the process is still waiting in the wait event ‘log file sync’.

The next thing that happens is a call to ‘ksu_dispatch_tac’ (kernel service user dispatch timed-out action):

 | | | | > ksu_dispatch_tac(0x7a5d72c8, 0, ...)
 | | | | < ksu_dispatch_tac+0x0000000003b4 returns: 0

Essentially, this routine validates certain conditions to trigger actions because the wait in kslwaitctx has timed out.

At this point the process repeats the steps of:
– kslawe: registering itself in the post-wait queue
– kcscu8: check on disk SCN
– kslwaitctx, semtimedop: wait to be posted
– (if not posted) ksliwat_cleanup: remove post-wait entry
– (if not posted) kcscu8: check on disk SCN
(the double check of on disk SCN via kcscu8 is not a typo!)

If the semaphore gets posted (visible by return code 0):

 | | | | | | | | > semtimedop(0x58000, 0x7ffda5959208, ...)
 | | | | | | | | < semtimedop+0x000000000012 returns: 0

The post-wait cleanup function (ksliwat_cleanup) does not require a latch when the process has been posted, probably because now that the entry has been used, there is no chance it will be used again, so it’s safe to cleanup without serialising access via a latch. After the ksliwat_cleanup returns, the process also returns from ksliwat and kslwaitctx.

Next kcscu8 is called to read the on disk SCN again, and the wait event is ended with kslwtectx, some statistics about redo writing are written (kcrfw_stats_syncoverhead_record), and the function kcrf_commit_force_int is ended, because when the semaphore is posted, the wait for the logwriter to finish is done, meaning the commit is entirely finished:

 | | | | > kcscu8(0x60016290, 0x7ffda5959b88, ...)
 | | | | < kcscu8+0x000000000047 returns: 0x1
 | | | | > kslwtectx(0x7ffda5959950, 0x7ffda5959b88, ...)
 | | | | | > kslwt_end_snapshot(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | > kslwh_enter_waithist_int(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kslwh_enter_waithist_int+0x00000000013a returns: 0x7a8378a8
 | | | | | | > kslwtrk_enter_wait_int(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kslwtrk_enter_wait_int+0x000000000019 returns: 0x7a8378a8
 | | | | | < kslwt_end_snapshot+0x0000000000f2 returns: 0x7a6d9580
 | | | | | > kslwt_update_stats_int(0x7a6da7f0, 0x7a6da7f0, ...)
 | | | | | | > kews_update_wait_time(0x5, 0, ...)
 | | | | | | < kews_update_wait_time+0x00000000002e returns: 0x6
 | | | | | < kslwt_update_stats_int+0x00000000033e returns: 0
 | | | | | > kskthewt(0x4290257c02, 0x9d, ...)
 | | | | | < kskthewt+0x0000000000c3 returns: 0xa030
 | | | | < kslwtectx+0x0000000003f9 returns: 0xe923
 | | | | > skgstmGetEpochTs(0x4290257c02, 0x9d, ...)
 | | | | | > gettimeofday@plt(0x7ffda5959810, 0, ...)
 | | | | | < __vdso_gettimeofday+0x0000000000fe returns: 0
 | | | | < skgstmGetEpochTs+0x000000000049 returns: 0x206daa3d1ca1b
 | | | | > kcrfw_stats_syncoverhead_record(0x7f3011d75e10, 0x206daa3d1ca1b, ...)
 | | | | | > kcrfw_stats_writeinfo_find(0x7f3011d75e10, 0x206daa3d1ca1b, ...)
 | | | | | < kcrfw_stats_writeinfo_find+0x0000000000fb returns: 0x206daa3d1a057
 | | | | < kcrfw_stats_syncoverhead_record+0x0000000000a4 returns: 0x29c4
 | | | < kcrf_commit_force_int+0x000000000b9c returns: 0x1

What is clear, is that the process checks the on disk SCN a lot of times. The obvious reason for that would be to stop waiting whenver the on disk SCN indicates the process’ redo information is written. However, in the past I’ve heard about issues with sessions that were in post-wait mode waiting, which were ‘forgotten’ when the database switched to polling (this was Oracle, this issue is solved!). That however leads to an interesting question:

1. What happens when a process is posted by the logwriter, but the on disk SCN is NOT progressed beyond the process’ commit SCN?
2. What happens when a process is NOT posted by the logwriter, but the on disk SCN has progressed beyond the process’ commit SCN?

Let’s test that! Let’s test the first situation: a foreground posted, but the on disk SCN did not progress beyond the commit SCN of that process.

First we need to know the commit SCN for the inserting session. We know that the SCN is obtained from kcsgscn_, let’s get the address of it:

SQL> select ksmfsnam, ksmfsadr, ksmfssiz from x$ksmfsv where ksmfsnam = 'kcsgscn_';
KSMFSNAM                       KSMFSADR           KSMFSSIZ
------------------------------ ---------------- ----------
kcsgscn_                       00000000600113B8         48

Now attach to a foreground session with gdb, and put an read/write (acces) watch on 0x600113b8, set pagination off and let gdb continue:

(gdb) awatch *0x600113b8
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8
(gdb) commands
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 1, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
(gdb) set pagi off
(gdb) c

Now insert something in the foreground session (anything is okay, as long as it’s a regular insert):

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Old value = 374652
New value = 374701
0x000000000320e5a8 in kcsAdjustUsingForeignSCN ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3ee68 in kcsgcsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f03b in kcsgrsn8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f03b in kcsgrsn8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f2d5 in kcsgssn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374701
0x0000000010e3ee68 in kcsgcsn ()

Pay attention to the output sequence of a watchpoint:
– ‘Hardware access …’ and watchpoint number and address.
– old and new value or read value.
– instruction pointer address and function.
Also look at the different functions with which an SCN is queried.

Now execute the commit:

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Old value = 374701
New value = 374767
0x000000000320e5a8 in kcsAdjustUsingForeignSCN ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374767
0x0000000010e3ecc1 in kcsnew8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Old value = 374767
New value = 374768
0x0000000010e3ecdb in kcsnew8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Old value = 374768
New value = 374769
0x0000000010e3f12a in kcsgrsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374769
0x0000000010e3ee68 in kcsgcsn ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 1: *0x600113b8

Value = 374769
0x0000000010e3ee68 in kcsgcsn ()

If you take a close look, you see a new SCN for the commit is obtained in the aptly named function kcsnew8 at instruction pointer address 0x10e3ecdb. Now that we know the instruction pointer address, we can filter the watch:
Disable the previous watch, and create a second access watch point:

(gdb) dis 1
(gdb) awatch *0x600113b8 if ( $rip == 0x10e3ecdb )
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 2: *0x600113b8
(gdb) commands
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 2, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
(gdb) c

Now issue another insert into and a commit:

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 2: *0x600113b8

Old value = 374908
New value = 374909
0x0000000010e3ecdb in kcsnew8 ()

Voila! commit SCN is 374909 in this case!

Because we know kcscu8 is called to read the on disk SCN from kcrfsg_, we can cheat and modify the on disk SCN in kcrfsg_ ourselves to make this lower than the commit SCN.

=> WARNING! Never EVER do this, or any of these techniques in a database that you care about! This can severely corrupt the database leading to an irrepairable situation! WARNING <=

First modify the watchpoint (2 in the above example) to stop when it is fired:

(gdb) commands 2
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 2, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
(gdb) c

Now perform the insert and commit again. This will hang because the watchpoint will break execution:

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 2: *0x600113b8

Old value = 620035
New value = 620036
0x0000000010e3ecdb in kcsnew8 ()

Okay, so the commit SCN is 620036. Now break on kcscu8 and simply set the SCN to 620000, which undoubtly is lower than the commit SCN of 620036:

(gdb) break kcscu8
Breakpoint 3 at 0x10e3e910
(gdb) commands
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 3, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>set {int}0x60016290=620000

Also set an access watch on 0x60016290, alias the on disk SCN, to validate what SCN the process reads:

(gdb) awatch *0x60016290
Hardware watchpoint 4: *0x60016290
(gdb) commands
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 4, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".

Now attach with another gdb session to the logwriter, and keep the logwriter stopped after attaching.
After the logwriter is stopped, continue in the foreground session:

(gdb) c

What I regularly encounter, especially with new(er) versions of the Oracle database, is the following messages:

Program received signal SIGUSR2, User defined signal 2.
0x0000000010e3ecdb in kcsnew8 ()
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000010f973a5 in slaac_int ()
(gdb) c

It seems that a signal handler is triggered. In most cases just continuing will make the process running again.

After the signal handler, the following is shown in gdb:

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Value = 620000
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Value = 620000
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Value = 620000
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

Quit using q and enter, and set pagination off: set pagi off, then continue.

Now let the logwriter continue in its gdb session (continue).

In the foreground debugger session, you'll see that the foreground did not do anything else than it already did:

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Value = 620000
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()

Stop execution of the committing process, and disable breakpoint 3 (dis 3), which sets the on disk SCN to a value lower than the process' commit SCN, so it will pick up the correct current on disk SCN, which is beyond the process' commit SCN:

(gdb) c
Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Old value = 620000
New value = 620865
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

And the commit finishes! This proves that despite the post/wait posting, the session actually checks the on disk SCN using kcscu8 additional to the semaphore being posted, and only continues if the on disk SCN has progressed up to the commit SCN or further!

We can use these breakpoints to see if we can do the exact opposite: make sure the foreground is not posted, and then progress the on disk SCN beyond the commit SCN. At this time you should have two gdb sessions, one on a foreground process, and one on the logwriter. Both gdb sessions have the process they are attached to running.

Now insert and commit again. Because of the watchpoint on kcsgscn_ with the instruction pointer set to kcsnew8 at breakpoint 2, this will break/stop execution:

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 2: *0x600113b8

Old value = 621375
New value = 621376
0x0000000010e3ecdb in kcsnew8 ()

Break execution of the logwriter, so the foreground cannot be posted anymore (simply ctrl-C the gdb session attached to the log writer process).
Now change breakpoint 3 in the gdb session attached to the foreground to set the on disk SCN to 621400, which is higher than the commit SCN of 621376:

(gdb) commands 3
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 3, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>set {int}0x60016290=621400

And enable breakpoint 3 again:

(gdb) enable 3

And then continue the foreground in gdb.

Hardware access (read/write) watchpoint 4: *0x60016290

Value = 621400
0x0000000010e3e93b in kcscu8 ()

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000010e3e910 in kcscu8 ()


This shows watchpoint 4 begin triggered because of access to 0x60016290 (on disk SCN), and breakpoint 3 setting the on disk SCN to 621400.
Now continue the logwriter. This will finish the commit of the foreground session.

So conclusion here is that despite the on disk SCN having progressed beyond the foreground session's commit SCN value (commit SCN was 621376, on disk SCN was set to 621400), a commit will wait until it is explicitly posted via post-wait.