Quick install of prometheus, node_exporter and grafana

This blogpost is a follow up of this blogpost, with the exception that the install method in this blogpost is way easier, it uses an Ansible playbook to do most of the installation.

1. Install git and ansible via EPEL:

# yum -y localinstall https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
# yum -y install ansible git

2. Clone my ‘prometheus_node_exp_grafana_install’ repository:

# git clone https://gitlab.com/FritsHoogland/prometheus_node_exp_grafana_install.git

3. Run the prometheus.yml playbook to install prometheus, node_exporter and grafana:

# cd prometheus_node_exp_grafana_install
# ansible-playbook prometheus.yml

Now all you need to do is setup grafana (at port 3000) to talk to prometheus to fetch data.
If you are interested, the memory usage dashboard can be imported, dashboard id 2747.

In fact, it seems node_exporter has renamed the operating system statistics, so the old Linux memory dashboard didn’t work anymore. I updated it, and uploaded a new version of the memory usage dashboard.

  1. Vinicius said:

    Hi, how are you?
    First of all I would like to thank you for sharing information! I used your guide and I was able to quickly get the first information !! I thank you for that!
    I could not locate the Ansible playbook because I have an additional need. I need to install the exporter for MySQL, and I would like to add it to the script so that it also implements it.
    As a bonus, have some examples of prometheus.yml to monitor instances in auto-scalling and also to monitor Aurora RDS (mysql).
    Tks a lot!

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