For the commandline junkie: the google shell

I like the commandline. In fact, I very much like the commandline. It give me the feeling I am in complete control, the interface is quite consistent. Quite consistent, because the implementation of the different shells can differ. I try to convince my clients to use “bash” as the shell for all environments, because the implementation is the same across different platforms (at least that I know of) and bash is available for all platforms that I need to work on (HPUX, Solaris, AIX, Linux x86/x64, windows (cygwin)).

Now there is a commandline version of google (not related to google):
Works like a charm, even with commandline history with the arrow-up button.

  1. Omar Achakzai said:

    Yet another creative product from Google!
    Frits, thanks for putting it on your blog.
    Cheers, Omar.

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